This watchface uses 61 of 64 possible colors of the new Pebble Time display to create simple hour and minute time display. The hands are represented by the hard contrast between PastelYellow (nearly white) and OxfordBlue (nearly black). White and the two grays are not used, black is only used for the background. The other 60 colors each represent one minute's angle.
"palette" Pebble Watchface is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt).
The only requirement of this license is that you must include the copyright and the license text when you distribute apps based on this code.
To install and use the pebble SDK, please follow the instructions at
To just get a ready-to use pebble app, just grab it on the Pebble App Store.
1.0 : June 22th, 2015: initial version to celebrate arrival of my red Pebble Time