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fast-equals CHANGELOG



  • Fix reference to metaOverride in typings and documentation (holdover from temporary API in v5 beta)


Breaking changes

constructor equality now required

To align with other implementations common in the community, but also to be more functionally correct, the two objects being compared now must have equal constructors.

Map / Set comparisons no longer support IE11

In previous verisons, .forEach() was used to ensure that support for Symbol was not required, as IE11 did not have Symbol and therefore both Map and Set did not have iterator-based methods such as .values() or .entries(). Since IE11 is no longer a supported browser, and support for those methods is present in all browsers and Node for quite a while, the comparison has moved to use these methods. This results in a ~20% performance increase.

createCustomEqual contract has changed

To better facilitate strict comparisons, but also to allow for meta use separate from caching, the contract for createCustomEqual has changed. See the README documentation for more details, but froma high-level:

  • meta is no longer passed through to equality comparators, but rather a general state object which contains meta
  • cache now also lives on the state object, which allows for use of the meta property separate from but in parallel with the circular cache
  • equals is now on state, which prevents the need to pass through the separate isEqual method for the equality comparator

createCustomCircularEqual has been removed

You can create a custom circular equality comparator through createCustomEqual now by providing circular: true to the options.

Custom meta values are no longer passed at callsite

To use meta properties for comparisons, they must be returned in a createState method.

Deep links have changed

If you were deep-linking into a specific asset type (ESM / CJS / UMD), they have changed location.

NOTE: You may no longer need to deep-link, as the build resolution has improved.


New "strict" comparators available

The following new comparators are available:

  • strictDeepEqual
  • strictShallowEqual
  • strictCircularDeepEqual
  • strictCircularShallowEqual

This will perform the same comparisons as their non-strict counterparts, but will verify additional properties (non-enumerable properties on objects, keyed objects on Array / Map / Set) and that the descriptors for the properties align.

TypedArray support

Support for comparing all typed array values is now supported, and you can provide a custom comparator via the new areTypedArraysEqual option in the createCustomEqual configuration.

Better build system resolution

The library now leverages the exports property in the package.json to provide builds specific to your method of consumption (ESM / CommonJS / UMD). There is still a minified UMD version available if you want to use it instead.

arePrimitiveWrappersEqual option added to createCustomEqual configuration

If you want a custom comparator for primitive wrappers (new Boolean() / new Number() / new String()) it is now available.


  • Remove unnecessary second strict equality check for objects in edge-case scenarios


  • #85 - createCustomCircularEqual typing is incorrect


  • #81 - Fix typing issues related to importing in index.d.ts file


Breaking Changes

Certain ES2015 features are now required

In previous versions, there were automatic fallbacks for certain ES2015 features if they did not exist:

Due to the omnipresence of support in both browser and NodeJS, these have been deprecated. There is still an option if you require support for these legacy environments, however; see createCustomEqual and createCustomCircularEqual for more details.

createCustomEqual contract has changed

To allow more flexibility and customizability for a variety of edge cases, createCustomEqual now allows override of specific type value comparisons in addition to the general comparator it did prior. See the documentation for more details.


createCustomCircularEqual added

Like createCustomEqual, it will create a custom equality comparator, with the exception that it will handle circular references. See the documentation for more details.

Cross-realm comparisons are now supported

Prior to 4.x.x., instanceof was used internally for checking of object classes, which only worked when comparing objects from the same Realm. This has changed to instead use an object's StringTag, which is not realm-specific.

TypeScript typings improved

For better typing in edge-case scenarios like custom comparators with meta values, typings have been refactored for accuracy and better narrow flow-through.


  • Fix #77 - better circular object validation


  • Fix #73 - support comparison of primitive wrappers
  • #76 - improve speed and accuracy of RegExp comparison in modern environments


  • Fix #71 - use generic types for better type flow-through


Breaking changes

When creating a custom equality comparator via createCustomEqual, the equality method has an expanded contract:

// Before
type EqualityComparator = (objectA: any, objectB: any, meta: any) => boolean;

// After
type InternalEqualityComparator = (
  objectA: any,
  objectB: any,
  indexOrKeyA: any,
  indexOrKeyB: any,
  parentA: any,
  parentB: any,
  meta: any,
) => boolean;

If you have a custom equality comparator, you can ignore the differences by just passing additional undefined parameters, or you can use the parameters to further improve / clarify the logic.

  • Add #57 - support additional metadata for custom equality comparators


  • Fix #58 - duplicate entries in Map / Set can create false equality success
  • #60 - Add documentation for key equality of Map being a part of deepEqual


  • Fix #50 - copy-pasta in cacheable check


  • Optimize iterables comparisons to not double-iterate
  • Optimize loop-based comparisons for speed
  • Improve cache handling in circular handlers
  • Improve stability of memory by reducing variable instantiation


  • Fix #41 - prevent .rpt2_cache directory from being published for better CI environment support (thanks @herberttn)


Breaking changes

  • There are longer fast-equals/es, fast-equals/lib, fast-equals/mjs locations
    • Instead, there are 3 builds in dist for different consumption types:
      • fast-equals.js (UMD / browser)
      • fast-equals.esm.js (ESM / module)
      • fast-equals.cjs.js (CommonJS / main)
  • There is no default export anymore, only the previously-existing named exports
    • To get all into a namespace, use import * as fe from 'fast-equals


  • Rewritten completely in TypeScript
  • Improve speed of Map / Set comparisons
  • Improve speed of React element comparisons


  • Consider pure objects (Object.create(null)) to be plain objects
  • Fix typings for createCustomEqual


  • Check the size of the iterable before converting to arrays


  • Fix #23 - false positives for map
  • Replace uglify with terser
  • Use rollup to build all the distributables (main, module, and browser)
    • Maintain lib and es transpilations in case consumers were deep-linking


  • Upgrade to babel@7
  • Add "sideEffects": false to package.json for better tree-shaking in webpack



  • Fix Map / Set comparison to not require order to match to be equal


  • Improve speed of object comparison through custom hasKey method


  • Fix lack of support for unicode and sticky RegExp flag checks



  • Fix issue where lastIndex was not being tested on RegExp objects


  • Add support for comparing promise-like objects (strict equality only)


  • Make react comparison more accurate, and a touch faster


  • Add support for deep-equal comparisons between react elements
  • Add comparison with react-fast-compare
  • Use rollup for dist file builds


  • Fix errors from TypeScript typings in strict mode (thanks @HitoriSensei)




  • Support invalid date equality via isSameValueZero


  • Replace isStrictlyEqual with isSameValueZero to ensure that shallowEqual accounts for NaN equality


  • Only check values when comparing Set objects (improves performance of Set check by ~12%)


  • Make Map and Set comparisons more explicit


  • Fix symmetrical comparison of iterables
  • Reduce footprint


  • Prevent babel transpilation of typeof into helper for faster runtime


  • Initial release