Expression-based event filtering for Serilog.
var expr = "@Level = 'Information' and AppId is not null and Items[?] like 'C%'";
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.Enrich.WithProperty("AppId", 10)
// Printed
Log.Information("Cart contains {@Items}", new[] { "Tea", "Coffee" });
Log.Information("Cart contains {@Items}", new[] { "Peanuts", "Chocolate" });
// Not printed
Log.Warning("Cart contains {@Items}", new[] { "Tea", "Coffee" });
Log.Information("Cart contains {@Items}", new[] { "Apricots" });
Install Serilog.Filters.Expressions from NuGet:
Install-Package Serilog.Filters.Expressions
Add Filter.ByIncludingOnly(fiterExpression)
or Filter.ByExcluding(fiterExpression)
calls to LoggerConfiguration
The syntax is based on SQL, with added support for object structures, arrays, and regular expressions.
Category | Examples |
Literals | 123 , 123.4 , 'Hello' , true , false , null |
Properties | A , A.B , @Level , @Timestamp , @Exception , @Message , @MessageTemplate , @Properties['A-b-c'] |
Comparisons | A = B , A <> B , A > B , A >= B , A is null , A is not null , A in [1, 2] |
Text | A like 'H%' , A not like 'H%' , A like 'Hel_o' , Contains(A, 'H') , StartsWith(A, 'H') , EndsWith(A, 'H') , IndexOf(A, 'H') , Length(A) |
Regular expressions | A = /H.*o/ , Contains(A, /[lL]/) , other string functions |
Collections | A[0] = 'Hello' , A[?] = 'Hello' (any), StartsWith(A[*], 'H') (all), Length(A) |
Maths | A + 2 , A - 2 , A * 2 , A % 2 |
Logic | not A , A and B , A or B |
Grouping | A * (B + C) |
Other | Has(A) , TypeOf(A) |
Using Serilog.Settings.AppSettings:
<add key="serilog:using:FilterExpressions" value="Serilog.Filters.Expressions" />
<add key="serilog:filter:ByExcluding.expression" value="Name = 'World'" />
Using Serilog.Settings.Configuration:
"Serilog": {
"Using": ["Serilog.Settings.Configuration"],
"Filter": [
"Name": "ByExcluding",
"Args": {
"expression": "EndsWith(RequestPath, '/SomeEndpoint')"