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Releases: plotly/dash

Dash v2.8.1

30 Jan 17:00
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  • #2400 Added disable_n_clicks=True to the html.Div components in page_container.

Dash v2.8.0

24 Jan 16:39
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  • #2389 Added disable_n_clicks prop to all html components to make it possible to remove onclick event listeners


  • #2388 Fix #2368 ordering or Pattern Matching ALL after update to the subtree.


  • #2367 Updated the default favicon.ico to the current Plotly logo
  • #2394 Update Plotly.js to v2.18.0 from v2.16.4.
    • Feature release 2.18.0 adds sync tickmode, so several axes can share ticks and gridlines
    • Feature release 2.17.0 adds automargin for multiple Y axes, a grouped mode for scatter traces, and rounded corners on treemap traces
    • Patch releases 2.17.1 and 2.16.5 fix various bugs

Dash v2.7.1

12 Dec 16:06
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  • #2344 Fix #1519, a case where dependent callbacks can be called too many times and with inconsistent inputs
  • #2332 Add key to wrapped children props in list.
  • #2336 Fix inserted dynamic ids in component as props.


  • #2361 Dependencies upgrade.
    • Update Plotly.js to v2.16.4 (from v2.16.1): fix several bugs, particularly related to updating mapbox graphs.
  • #2363 Update html attributes for ol

Dash v2.7.0

03 Nov 15:21
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  • #2282 Dropped support for Internet Explorer. Our build process now targets vendor-supported browsers released in the last 7 years. Currently this means ES2015 but over time this will natually advance as older browser versions pass the 7-year threshold.


  • #2261 Added new placeholder_text property to filterOptions for DataTable which allows overriding the default filter field placeholder.


  • #2282 Widespread dependency upgrades
    • Update Plotly.js to v2.16.1 (from v2.13.3)
      • Feature release 2.14.0 adds arrows to sankey links, and editSelection option to config.
      • Feature release 2.15.0 adds directed arrowheads and markers to scatter and scatter-like traces and increased control of automargin and legend sizing
      • Feature release 2.16.0 adds clustering to scattermapbox traces and restricted bounds to mapbox plots.
      • Patch releases 2.15.1 and 2.16.1 fix several bugs.


  • #2292 Pages: find the 404 page even if pages_folder is nested, or the 404 page is nested inside pages_folder.
  • #2265 Removed deprecated before_first_request as reported in #2177.
  • #2257 Fix tuple types in the TypeScript component generator.
  • #2293 Fix Dropdown useMemo not detecting equal objects
  • #2277 Use dropdown styles from node_modules, instead of from stored css file
  • #2105 Fix order of dash component libraries imports.


  • #2291 Move flask-compress dependency to new extras requires dash[compress]

Dash v2.6.2

23 Sep 14:50
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  • #2237 Ensure calls to plotly.js from dcc.Graph are properly sequenced even if React initiates multiple render cycles in quick succession.
  • #2218 Fix bug #1348 Validate children prop (required or not).
  • #2223 Exclude hidden folders when building dash.page_registry.
  • #2182 Fix #2172 Make it so that when using pages, if suppress_callback_exceptions=True the validation_layout is not set.
  • #2152 Fix bug #2128 preventing rendering of multiple components inside a dictionary.
  • #2187 Fix confusing error message when trying to use pytest fixtures but dash[testing] is not installed.
  • #2202 Fix bug #2185 when you copy text with multiple quotes into a table
  • #2226 Fix #2219 pages register & background callbacks.

Dash v2.6.1

02 Aug 18:10
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  • #2175 Fix #2173 callback output of ndarray and no_update check.
  • #2146 Remove leftover debug console.log statement.
  • #2168 Reverts #2126 (supporting redirect from root when using pages) until the new bugs introduced by that PR are fixed.


  • #2167 Update Plotly.js to v2.13.3 (from v2.13.1) including patch release v2.13.2 and patch release v2.13.3.
    • Emit plotly_selected event on plot API calls and GUI edits.
    • Fix sankey select error (regression introduced in 2.13.0).
    • Handle missing drag layer of invisible sankey traces to fix select error.
    • Emit selection event in shape drawing dragmodes when an existing selection is modified.

Dash v2.6.0

15 Jul 00:57
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  • #2109 Add maxHeight to Dropdown options menu.
  • #2039 Long callback changes:
    • Add background=False to dash.callback to use instead of app.long_callback.
    • Add previous app.long_callback arguments to dash.callback (interval, running, cancel, progress, progress_default, cache_args_to_ignore, manager)
  • #2110 Add search prop to dcc.Dropdown options, allowing to search the dropdown options with something other than the label or value.


  • #2126 Fix bug where it was not possible to redirect from root when using pages.
  • #2114 Fix bug #1978 where text could not be copied from cells in tables with cell_selectable=False.
  • #2102 Fix bug as reported in dash-labs #113 where files starting with . were not excluded when building dash.page_registry.
  • #2100 Fixes bug where module name in for a custom not_found_404 page is incorrect in the dash.page_registry when not using the pages folder.
  • #2098 Accept HTTP code 400 as well as 401 for JWT expiry
  • #2097 Fix bug #2095 with TypeScript compiler and React.FC empty valueDeclaration error & support empty props components.
  • #2104 Fix bug #2099 with Dropdown clearing search value when a value is selected.
  • #2039 Fix bugs in long callbacks:
    • Fix #1769 and #1852 short interval makes job run in loop.
    • Fix #1974 returning no_update or raising PreventUpdate not supported with celery.
    • Fix use of the callback context in celery long callbacks.
    • Fix support of pattern matching for long callbacks.
  • #2110 Fix dcc.Dropdown search with component as prop for option label.
  • #2131 Add encoding to file open calls. Fix bug #2127.


  • #2116 Rename long callbacks to background callbacks
    • Deprecated dash.long_callback.managers.CeleryLongCallbackManager, use dash.CeleryManager instead.
    • Deprecated dash.long_callback.managers.DiskcacheLongCallbackManager, use dash.DiskcacheManager instead.
    • Deprecated dash constructor argument long_callback_manager in favor of background_callback_manager.


  • #2134 Upgrade Plotly.js to v2.13.1 (from v2.12.1) including feature release 2.13.0 and patch release 2.13.1
    • Add persistent selections via layout attributes selections, newselection, and activeselection, along with an updated UI allowing you to modify a selection you created.
    • Add unselected line styling to parcoords traces.
    • Add more quartile algorithms to violin traces.
    • More flexible axis automargin behavior.
    • And several other enhancements and bug fixes.

Dash v2.5.1

13 Jun 18:21
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  • #2087 Fix bug #2086 in which using id as a key within a component's id breaks the new callback context's args_grouping function.
  • #2084 In dash 2.5.0, a default viewport meta tag was added as recommended for mobile-optimized sites by mdn
    This feature can be disabled by providing an empty viewport meta tag. e.g. app = Dash(meta_tags=[{"name": "viewport"}])
  • #2090, #2092. Fixed bug where the path to the pages_folder was incorrect on Windows.


  • #2087 Removed the undocumented callback context args_grouping_values property which was incompatible with pattern-matching callbacks.

Dash v2.5.0

07 Jun 14:58
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  • #1947 Added pages - a better way to build multi-page apps. For more information see the forum post.
  • #1965 Add component as props.
  • #2049 Added wait_for_class_to_equal and wait_for_contains_class methods to dash.testing


  • #2050 Changed find_element and find_elements to accept an attribute argument that aligns with Selenium's By class, allowing you to search elements by other attributes. Default value is CSS_SELECTOR to maintain backwards compatibility with previous find_elements.


  • #2043 Fix bug
    #2003 in which
    dangerously_allow_html=True + mathjax=True works in some cases, and in some cases not.
  • #2065 Fix bug #2064 rendering of dcc.Dropdown with a value but no options.
  • #2047 Fix bug #1979 in which DASH_DEBUG as environment variable gets ignored.
  • #2070 Fix bug #2066 nested types triggering maximum call stack error when building typescript components.

Dash v2.4.1

11 May 22:45
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  • Fix #2045 import error when using pytest but dash[testing] is not installed.