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This README file is from the original project coming off TRI-D Systems.
This OTPD is now forked from the original code, you can find all the details
on the website

Copyright 2009-2010 Giuseppe Paterno' (


    Thank you for using otpd.  The latest version can always be found at

    Please see the file README.LICENSE for licensing terms.

    otpd is part of a suite of software for authenticating users with
    handheld OTP tokens.  There are five components:

    a.  An authentication server.  This is provided by you.  Examples
        are FreeRADIUS, unix daemons that use PAM, a krb5 KDC, etc.
    b.  A plugin for your auth server, that talks to otpd.  You can
        download plugins from the TRI-D Systems web site, or write
        your own.  Your authentication server software vendor might
        also supply plugins for otpd.
  * c.  This software, otpd, which does the actual OTP validation.
    d.  A global state manager, gsmd, used in multi-server deployments
        to coordinate and guarantee globally consistent state.
    e.  An optional LDAP directory server.

    Other vendors' OTP authentication software rolls all of the above
    into a single piece of software.  TRI-D Systems has decided to
    break it into component pieces to allow for higher integration,
    higher scalability, and higher security assurance.

    + Integration:  By tying directly into the authentication servers
      you already use, we work with whatever access methods you already
      have in place.  Auditing is also through your existing servers.
      And since your IT staff already knows how to manage your existing
      servers, additional support costs are minimized.

    + Scalability:  This is acheived by separating the state manager
      and otpd functions.  In the TRI-D Systems design, otpd runs on
      the same machine as the authentication server, but the state
      manager can run elsewhere.  The authentication server and otpd
      have to do most of the work of authenticating a user, and can
      operate standalone, i.e. without knowledge of other auth servers
      or otpds.  The state associated with OTP, however, is a very
      lightweight piece, and it must be globally consistent.  Every
      otpd has to see the same state in order to prevent replay
      attacks.  By making the lightweight state manager a separate
      component, the system as a whole scales better.  Our competitors
      do the heavy lifting of OTP verification and state management in
      the same server, thus decreasing their scalability relative to

    + Assurance:  The component model means that the software we
      provide is small, and of consistent high quality.  It also allows
      us to open source most of the code, since restricted source
      components can be isolated.  We believe there is a fundamental
      problem with today's OTP vendors: customers must place blind
      trust in the system component that provides a trust service to
      the rest of the system!  (And it's not just the software; some
      vendors will not disclose how their token works even in principle,
      not even under NDA.  How can one trust such products?)  All the
      core parts of our software are open source, and all other parts
      are source-available.

    In addition to providing these benefits, it all comes at a lower
    cost than the competition.  In fact, the software is completely
    free (both free as in beer and free as in freedom) if you don't
    need or want any of the optional "enterprise" features.


    otpd uses the standard CMMI (configure, make, make install)
    process.  Run './configure --help' for brief information on
    otpd-specific options.

    Post-install, you'll need to create the otpd socket directory,
    /var/run/otpd by default, which should have permissions such that
    your authentication server (via a plugin) can access it.  Any
    process that can access this directory can ask otpd to verify an
    OTP!  This directory is not created by the install process because
    on newer Solaris /var/run is on tmpfs; the directory will not
    survive a reboot.

    You'll also need to create /etc/otppasswd and make sure it is only
    readable by the owner (u+r or u+w).  otpd verifies the file permissions
    at startup.

    Lastly, you'll need to create the /etc/otpstate directory, where
    per-user token [transient] state information is stored.


    A test program, otpauth, is provided to assist with testing of
    otpd without requiring any additional authentication infrastructure.
    It also serves as a [trivial] example of how plugins communicate
    with otpd.


    Of course, otpd fully supports all TRI-D tokens.

    Also, CRYPTOCard tokens are fully supported, however no support is
    available for token programming (so you can program known keys) or
    key extraction from the CRYPTOCard database (so you can extract
    already generated keys).

    Also, support is available for a generic event-synchronous HOTP
    token, and a generic challenge/response X9.9 token.  The generic
    X9.9 token should work with any vendor's X9.9 challenge/response
    token, with the same caveat as for CRYPTOCard: you need to have
    knowledge of the token's key.


    In the very old days, the server would present a challenge to the
    user, which the user would then enter into their token, and give
    the server the response.  We call this async mode.  This is
    "klunky" by modern standards of usability, and for X9.9 tokens is
    actually unsafe given that DES is weak (see section 3).

    Luckily, all tokens available today support a synchronous mode
    which lets the user skip the part where they enter the challenge.
    In this mode, the token and the server generate a "next challenge"
    which is derived from an event and/or time counter and is
    implicit.  Besides offering better security, this mode also has the
    advantage of giving a much better user experience.

    For some tokens, the token can display the synchronous challenge.
    The idea here is that the server would still present a challenge to
    the user, but the user wouldn't have to enter it--they'd just have
    to verify it matches.  Then they can safely just press some
    function key to obtain the response.  From a security perspective,
    this is no better than pure async mode, since an attacker can still
    observe the plaintext/ciphertext pair.

    So when operating in this mixed async-sync mode, instead of
    presenting the synchronous challenge, the server ALWAYS displays a
    random challenge.  Instead of verifying that the challenge matches
    the token display, the user should just skip past the token
    challenge display to obtain the response.  This might be confusing;
    you will need to train users.  Even with training, they will
    forget.  Be warned!  This mixed mode is useless and stupid.  If you
    can disable token support for this, do so.

    For other tokens, the token does not display the synchronous
    challenge--only the response is displayed.  This is a bit easier on
    the user; they won't be confused as to which number to enter for
    the response.  I can't recommend this mode highly enough.  With
    tokens like this, you should configure the server to likewise not
    present a challenge (this is the default).  This appears to the
    user to be close to a normal password authentication.

    It's worth repeating that async mode is vastly inferior to either
    sync mode, and the mixed async-sync mode is vastly inferior to the
    pure sync mode.  In addition to the shielding of the plaintext, and
    ease of use, another advantage of sync mode is that it supports
    authentication methods where a challenge cannot be presented to the
    user, e.g. PPTP without EAP.

    In sync mode, there are two ways to generate the implied challenge;
    either event or time based.  "Events" are token operations--each
    time the token is activated an event counter advances.

    Event synchronous tokens have the problem that if users play with
    the token as a toy (say, to generate winning lottery numbers), the
    server has no way to know this and so it has a different idea of
    the counter value.  Since there are typically only 1-10 million
    passcodes (6-7 digit decimal display), the server cannot simply
    test "many" passcodes in an attempt to discover the event counter
    value, because a guessing attack is trivial with such a small
    response space.  Our solution for this is to require 2 consecutive
    passcodes after a limited number of failed attempts.  (See otp.conf.)

    Event synchronous tokens are also more susceptible to sharing.
    Users can give out their passcodes for use at any time in the

    Also, a not-uncommon practice with event synchronous tokens is to
    generate a list of passcodes and carry that list around, instead of
    the token.  (Generally because the tokens are physically
    inconvenient to carry and use.)

    Time synchronous tokens solve the event sync problem quite nicely
    by eliminating the user from the equation.  As PEBKAC is generally
    the worst kind of problem, and the most difficult to solve, this is
    clearly better than event synchronous.

    But they introduce a new problem, that the timer interval (normally
    one minute) limits login rate.  System and network administrators
    are especially hit by this one, but even "normal" users will
    complain about this.

    TRI-D tokens are time+event synchronous; for each time interval we
    produce multiple event-based passcodes.


    ANSI X9.9 has been withdrawn as a standard, due to the weakness
    of DES.  An attacker can learn the token's secret by observing
    two challenge/response pairs.  See ANSI document X9 TG-24-1999,

    For X9.9 tokens, the obvious fix is to not issue a challenge; the
    attacker will not have access to the plaintext.  This is possible
    since all commercially available X9.9 tokens support a synchronous
    mode (the last holdout was the PassGo/Axent Defender Handheld, a
    re-re-re-remake of the Digital Pathways SNK/4, and which finally
    died ca. 2005).

    However, almost all X9.9 tokens support challenge/response (what we
    call asynchronous) mode, required to resync the token if the event
    sync is lost, in addition to synchronous mode.

    To protect against key compromise, all TRI-D supplied plugins
    disable async mode by default.  Additionally, the default site
    transform (see section 4, below) in otpd effectively disables
    async mode, even if enabled in a plugin.

    In practice, async mode authentication is a poor user experience
    and should be rare.

    TRI-D tokens use HOTP.


    Since the normal mode of operation will be sync mode, we really
    only have async mode support for "last resort" user resync of the
    event counter.  (For "normal" resync see the rwindow description in

    Note that only some tokens support "user" sync/resync.  For others,
    admin intervention is required for resync.

    Since pure challenge/response with X9.9 is unsafe, we came up with
    the concept of the "site-specific challenge transform".  For the
    user, this means that instead of entering the challenge as
    presented to them, they enter something /based on/ the challenge.
    For example, a simple transform would be to enter the challenge
    backwards; if the server presents "123456" the user enters
    "654321".  This has the effect that an observer does not have
    access to the plaintext.

    This is security through obscurity, and is not really "safe", but
    for an outsider it may present at least some barrier.  Even though
    it presents no advantage in the face of a /determined/ attacker, we
    recommend using it.  It may stop a more opportunistic attacker and
    isn't difficult to use.

    otpd logs each time a user authenticates via async mode, so we
    recommend a log scanner which alerts you to this.  Tokens should be
    reprogrammed when users authenticate via async mode.

    site.c implements the site-specific challenge transform.  The
    default transform is to append the first two characters of the
    username to the challenge.  This effectively disables async mode;
    the user will generally not be able to enter this into their


    Synchronous (implied challenge) OTP authentication requires that all
    authentication servers have a consistent view of token state, to avoid
    replay attacks.  While this can be simply achieved by having only a
    single OTP authentication server (which other servers could proxy to
    via, say, RADIUS), this creates a single point of failure, which is
    generally unacceptable in today's critical computing environments.
    Additionally, in very large environments, a single server may not
    be able to handle the load.

    TRI-D Systems addresses this with a 2-part system: local state
    management integrated into otpd, and a global state management
    daemon (gsmd), with which otpd communicates.  For single server
    deployments, gsmd is not required.


    gsmd does ... global state management.  It ensures that all
    authentication servers see the same view of state at all times, by
    being the single canonical source of state data.


    There is one state file per user, with the same name as the user.
    The default location for state files is in /etc/otpstate.  For most
    filesystems, this probably doesn't scale well, beyond a few ten
    thousands of users.

    The format is:
    for example (note some fields can be empty):

    Note that the trailing colon is required.

          ver: 5
         user: this is a sanity check field (matches filename)
         chal: the previous synchronous challenge (for event synchronous modes)
          csd: card-specific data
           rd: rwindow (softfail) data
    failcount: 0 if the last auth was successful,
               number of consecutive failures if unsucessful
     authtime: the last time the user authenticated (success or failure)
  mincardtime: the last time (card clock) the user authenticated successfully

    The challenge and the csd fields comprise the state proper.  The
    other fields are used for password guessing prevention, user resync
    (for event synchronous modes), and null state initialization.

    If the state file does not exist, the action taken depends on the token.

    For TRI-D, the state will be initialized by the module itself.
    DO NOT create any initial state data yourself.  (We call this
    condition null state.)  For the first authentication, users must
    give two consecutive passcodes.

    For CRYPTOCard, the user must authenticate asynchronously to
    initalize the state.  If your CRYPTOCard tokens aren't setup for
    async auth, or if you disallow it in the server config, then you'll
    (obviously) need to initialize the state manually when you issue
    tokens.  Just create a state file with a blank challenge field.

    To reset locked-out (in hardfail, or too far out of event sync for
    rwindow mode to work) CRYPTOCard users manually, set the failcount
    field to 0.  The challenge field may also need to be reset if the
    user is too far out of sync.  Note that you must lock the state
    file before changing it!  A utility will be provided for this in
    the future.

    The same notes (as for CRYPTOCard) apply for the generic hotp and
    x9.9 token support.


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