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en Features

Simon Kraft edited this page May 21, 2018 · 8 revisions

Language: en, de

What is the difference to existing solutions? Antispam Bee …

  • … does not store IP addresses.
  • … excludes comments from desired countries.
  • … learns and takes already marked spam as a source.
  • … can limit the language of the comment.
  • … can trust already approved commentators.
  • … has numerous, manageable protection methods.
  • … consists of little code and consumes hardly any resources.
  • … does not use any captcha and math tasks.
  • … does not use JavaScript, no cookies, no timeouts.
  • … takes the necessary adaptation on the theme independently.
  • … performs the necessary customization of the theme itself
  • … protects against spam in comments, track- and pingbacks.
  • … displays the spam amount as statistics on the dashboard.
  • … does not store data on external servers.
  • … does not require permanent administration.
  • … marks suspicious posts as spam or deletes them.
  • … Removes the old spam after X days if necessary.
  • … deletes only comment spam or only spam via trackbacks.
  • … is able to delete spam depending on the spam reason.
  • … notifies you by e-mail when new spam arrives.
  • … is not dependent on any other (antispam) plugins.
  • … is fully documented in this wiki.
  • … understands IPv4 and IPv6.
  • … cooperates with Fail2Ban.
  • … is also free for commercial projects. Akismet not.

More transparency for Antispam Bee

In the delivery state, Antispam Bee marks every pest as spam. You can view and manage spam entries in the WordPress administration area under Comments > Spam. Existing spam entries can be deleted with just one click by pushing the "empty spam" button in the spam overview. The periodic cleanup of the list can also be done by the plugin (see here). After each spam detection the Antispam plugin will notifiy via e-mail. In addition to general information, the e-mail contains further links for deleting and restoring the comment. The notification is optional and can be deselected in the settings.

Jumping marks