This repository contains the
They automatically download and run
they slightly improve its output, and they add checking functionality.
The google-java-format, or GJF, program reformats Java source code. It is a good formatter, but this project (run-google-java-format) improves it:
- This project creates better formatting for type annotations.
- This project creates better formatting for annotations in comments.
- This project can check whether a file is properly formatted, which is desirable in a pre-commit hook. (Update: Version 1.5 of GJF can do this, but it is not cognizant of the better formatting that this project does.)
- This project has a handy script to reformat code; by contrast, GJF requires a long, hard-to-remember command line.
- You can run this project in a way that automatically uses the latest version of GJF, if you wish, without having to remember to update your GJF installation periodically. (You can also control which version of GJF this project uses; see "Customization" below.)
scripts provide these enhancements over plain google-java-format.
This script reformats each file supplied on the command line according to the Google Java style, but with improvements to the formatting of annotations in comments. If called with no arguments, it reads from and writes to standard output.
Given .java
file names on the command line, reports any that would be
reformatted by the
program, and returns
non-zero status if there were any.
If called with no arguments, it reads from standard output.
You could invoke this program, for example, in a git pre-commit hook.
There are two ways to install and use these scripts (see below for integration with Make, Ant, Gradle, and Git pre-commit hooks that you can copy-and-paste into your build file):
- Clone the repository (run
git clone
) and run the scripts from there. - Download the or file and run it. The file will automatically download any additional needed files.
To control which version of google-java-format to use,
set environment variable GJF_VERSION
. For example:
export GJF_VERSION=1.7
Add the following targets to your build system.
Integration with other build systems is similar. (Feel free to contribute concrete examples for build systems that are not listed here.)
Some of these commands have only been tested on Unix; if you can create a version that also works on Windows, please contribute it.
JAVA_FILES_TO_FORMAT ?= $(shell find src -name '*.java' -print | grep -v '\.\#' | grep -v | grep -v | grep -v | sort)
@[ -d .run-google-java-format ] && (cd .run-google-java-format && git pull -q) || git clone -q .run-google-java-format
# Requires Java 8
${MAKE} update-run-google-java-format
@./.run-google-java-format/ ${JAVA_FILES_TO_FORMAT}
# Requires Java 8
${MAKE} update-run-google-java-format
@./.run-google-java-format/ ${JAVA_FILES_TO_FORMAT} || (echo "Try running: make reformat" && /bin/false)
At the top of your Ant file, augment the <project>
<project ...
xmlns:if="ant:if" xmlns:unless="ant:unless">
Then, add this:
<!-- Adjust for your project. -->
<fileset id="" dir="." includes="**/*.java" excludes="**/checker/jdk/,**/stubparser/,**/eclipse/,**/nullness-javac-errors/"/>
<condition property="isMac">
<os family="mac" />
<!-- Avoids "Argument list too long" message. You can also set
this property in file -->
<condition property="maxparallel" value="1000" else="-1">
<isset property="isMac"/>
<target name="-run-google-java-format.check">
<condition property="run-google-java-format.exists">
<available file=".run-google-java-format" type="dir"/>
<target name="-get-run-google-java-format"
description="Obtain the run-google-java-format project"
<exec executable="git"
<arg value="clone"/>
<arg value="-q"/>
<arg value=""/>
<arg value=".run-google-java-format"/>
<target name="update-run-google-java-format"
description="Update the run-google-java-format project"
<exec executable="git"
<arg value="pull"/>
<arg value="-q"/>
<target name="reformat" depends="update-run-google-java-format"
description="Reformat Java code">
<apply executable="python3" parallel="true" maxparallel="${maxparallel}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="./.run-google-java-format/"/>
<fileset refid=""/>
<target name="check-format" depends="update-run-google-java-format"
description="Check Java code formatting">
<apply executable="python3" parallel="true" maxparallel="${maxparallel}"
failonerror="false" resultproperty="check.format.result"
outputproperty="check.format.stdout" errorproperty="check.format.stderr">
<arg value="./.run-google-java-format/"/>
<fileset refid=""/>
<echo unless:blank="${check.format.stdout}">${check.format.stdout}</echo>
<echo unless:blank="${check.format.stderr}">${check.format.stderr}</echo>
<echo unless:blank="${check.format.stderr}">Fix syntax errors, then re-run: ant check-format</echo>
<echo unless:blank="${check.format.stdout}" if:blank="${check.format.stderr}">Try running: ant reformat</echo>
<equals arg1="0" arg2="${check.format.result}"/>
Customize per your requirements, such as excluding generated .java
files from formatting.
task getCodeFormatScripts {
description "Obtain the run-google-java-format scripts"
doLast {
def rgjfDir = "$projectDir/.run-google-java-format"
if (! new File(rgjfDir).exists()) {
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'clone', '--filter=tree:0', "", rgjfDir
} else {
// Ignore exit value so this does not halt the build when not connected to the Internet.
exec {
workingDir rgjfDir
ignoreExitValue true
commandLine 'git', 'pull', '-q'
task pythonIsInstalled(type: Exec) {
description "Check that the python3 executable is installed."
executable = "python3"
args "--version"
task checkFormat(type: Exec, dependsOn: [getCodeFormatScripts, pythonIsInstalled], group: 'Formatting') {
description "Check whether the Java source code is properly formatted"
def javaFiles = fileTree("$projectDir").matching{ include "**/*.java" } as List
def pythonArgs = javaFiles.clone()
pythonArgs.add(0, "$projectDir/.run-google-java-format/")
commandLine "python3"
args pythonArgs
ignoreExitValue true
doLast {
if (!executionResult.isPresent() || executionResult.get().getExitValue() != 0) {
throw new GradleException("Found improper formatting, try running: ./gradlew reformat")
task reformat(type: Exec, dependsOn: [getCodeFormatScripts, pythonIsInstalled], group: 'Formatting') {
description "Format the Java source code according to the Google Java Format style"
def javaFiles = fileTree("$projectDir").matching{ include "**/*.java" } as List
def pythonArgs = javaFiles.clone()
pythonArgs.add(0, "$projectDir/.run-google-java-format/")
commandLine "python3"
args pythonArgs
Here is an example of what you might put in a Git pre-commit hook. This only checks the files that are being comitted, which is much faster than checking all files.
CHANGED_JAVA_FILES=`git diff --staged --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep '\.java$' | grep -v '/ignored-directory/' ` || true
if [ ! -z "$CHANGED_JAVA_FILES" ]; then
# Choose one of these lines, depending on your build system; adjust the final echo statement too:
ant -silent update-run-google-java-format
make --silent update-run-google-java-format
## For debugging:
./.run-google-java-format/ ${CHANGED_JAVA_FILES} || (echo "Try running: make reformat" && /bin/false)
You will also want to add .run-google-java-format
to your
file or your project's .gitignore
google-java-format will complain about Java files with trailing spaces. Here is code for your Git pre-commit hook that finds all files that have trailing spaces.
CHANGED_FILES=`git diff --staged --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep -v '.class$' | grep -v '.gz$'` | grep -v '.jar$'` | grep -v '.png$' | grep -v '.xcf$'` || true
if [ ! -z "$CHANGED_FILES" ]; then
FILES_WITH_TRAILING_SPACES=`grep -l -s '[[:blank:]]$' ${CHANGED_FILES} 2>&1` || true
if [ ! -z "$FILES_WITH_TRAILING_SPACES" ]; then
echo "Some files have trailing whitespace: ${FILES_WITH_TRAILING_SPACES}" && exit 1
When you first apply standard formatting, that may be disruptive to people who have changes in their own branches/clones/forks. (But, once you settle on consistent formatting, you will enjoy a number of benefits. Applying standard formatting to your codebase makes the code easier to read. It eases code review by eliminating comments about code style. It also simplifies use of a version control system: it reduces the likelihood of merge conflicts due to formatting changes, and it ensures that commits and pull requests don't intermingle substantive changes with formatting changes.)
Here is a way to deal with upstream reformatting.
- Create a new branch and do your work there.
git checkout -b reformat-gjf
- Tag the commit before the whitespace change as "before reformatting".
git tag -a before-reformatting -m "Code before running google-java-format"
- Reformat by running a command such as
make reformat
,ant reformat
, or./gradlew reformat
(or whatever buildfile target you have set up). - Examine the diffs to look for poor reformatting:
git diff -w -b | grep -v '^[-+]import' | grep -v '^[-+]$'
(You may wish to use grep -v
to exclude some additional lines,
depending on your project.)
Here are two examples of poor reformatting to look out for:
A single statement that is the body of an
statement. google-java-format will move this onto the previous line with the boolean expression. It's better to use curly braces{}
on everythen
clause, andfor
body. To find the poor reformatting (regexps in Emacs syntax):- Search for occurrences of
^\+.*\) return
. - Search for occurrences of
^\+.*\(if\|while\|for\) (.*) [^{]
. - Search for hunks that have fewer
Add curly braces to get the body back on its own line.
- Search for occurrences of
Formatted Javadoc. To preserve line breaks and horizontal formatting, you may wish to enclose parts of your Javadoc comments in
or use<ul>
to format lists.
(You can work in the branch where you are doing reformatting.
Alternately, you might want to change your source code in the master
branch, move the before-reformatting
tag, and then start over with
- Run tests
- Commit changes:
git commit -m "Reformat code using google-java-format"
- Tag the commit that does the whitespace change as "after reformatting".
git tag -a after-reformatting -m "Code after running google-java-format"
- Push both the commits and the tags:
git push --tags
Assuming before-reformatting is the last commit before reformatting and after-reformatting is the reformatting commit:
Merge in the commit before the reformatting into your branch.
git merge before-reformatting
Or, if you have "myremote" configured as a remote, run these commands:
git fetch myremote after-reformatting:after-reformatting
git fetch myremote before-reformatting:before-reformatting
Resolve any conflicts, run tests, and commit your changes.
Merge in the reformatting commit, preferring all your own changes.
git merge after-reformatting -s recursive -X ours
Reformat the code by running a command such as
make reformat
,ant reformat
, or./gradlew reformat
(or whatever buildfile target you have set up). -
Commit any formatting changes.
Verify that this contains only changes you made (that is, the formatting changes were ignored):
git diff after-reformatting...HEAD
For a client of a client (such as a fork of a fork), the above instructions must be revised.
If you get an error in
urllib.urlretrieve(gjf_url, gjf_jar_path)
then there is a problem with your installation of Python.
On MacOS Sierra, you can correct the problem by running these commands:
brew install openssl
brew install python@3 --with-brewed-openssl
brew link --overwrite python@3