This monorepo contains comprehensive list of Plumier examples. Its intended to be used to learn Plumier quickly by example.
Most of examples on this repository created using Plumier project starter.
file-layout-single-file put your code in single file, good for simple project.
file-layout-classic put your code in classic MVC style directory, this setup good for medium and big project.
file-layout-modular put your code in separate directories, this setup good for medium and big project.
routing contains example on most routing trick, including how to create a restful controller and nested restful controller.
parameter-binding Parameter binding is process to bind request part (query, body, header) into action parameter. This directory contains example on how to bind request to parameter.
validation contains example on how to validate user input, how to validate parameters and model.
type-conversion contains example on how to setup action and parameter to make the type conversion work properly.
query-parser-mongoose contains example on how to use Query Parser helper to parse request query string into Mongoose Query.
query-parser-typeorm contains example on how to use Query Parser helper to parse request query string into TypeORM Query.
data-access-mongoose contains example on how to use Mongoose helper to access MongoDB database.
data-access-typeorm contains example on how to use TypeORM helper to access SQL database.
first-class-entity-mongoose contains example on how to use first class entity with Mongoose.
first-class-entity-typeorm contains example on how to use first class entity with TypeORM.
generic-controller-typeorm contains example on how to create CRUD restful API by extending generic controller instead of using first class entity.
custom-generic-controller-typeorm contains example on how to use first class entity with custom generic controller.
basic-security contains example on how to create authentication with JWT and how to authorize your user using policy based authorization.
entity-policy contains example on how to secure first class entity using entity policy.
social-login contains example on how to use OAuth from several providers such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, GitHub, GitLab.
- swagger contains example on how to enable the swagger facility.
serve-static contains example on how to server static files from specific directory, or serve a file using route.
file-upload-local contains example on how to create file upload handler with local storage.
file-upload-s3 contains example on how to create file upload handler with Amazon S3 storage.
- marketplace-api example how to create market place API using first class entity and generic controller, with complex authorization.