Last review at 200203
- num_theory.h: multiply, pow, fact, inv (prime)
- basic_math.h: range_sum, quick_pow, gcd.
- hash.h: hash_str, hash_u32, HashMap
- bit.h: is_power_of_two, least_significant_bit, pop_count.
- matrix.h: matrix dot, matrix pow.
- merge_find.h: MergeFindSet.
- segment_tree.h:
- segment_tree (complate binary tree, range max, min, sum).
- fenwick tree (1d, 2d).
- tree.h: insert.
- trie.h: trie update & check.
- big_int.h: big int.
- kmp.h: kmp init, kmp find.
- graph_spaning_tree.h: spaning tree.
- graph_strong_connect.h: strong connect.
- graph_shortest_path.h: dijkstra, flody, bellman ford.
- graph_max_flow.h: max flow, min cost max flow.
/codejam: code for google codejam.
/itpc: code for cs97si,
/lib: core tools. very useful.
/lib_extra: some tools that may be useful.
/lib_py: python tools.
/notes: some notes.
/snips: some test code.
Use this if necessary: