This section contains information about the commands that you can use to manage Google Workspace users.
The batch-create users command allows you to create multiple Google Workspace users with one command. It takes input data in any of the formats detailed below and outputs a message for each user that it creates. If an error is encountered, it is logged, displayed to the console if the --silent flag is not used and processing continues to the next record.
Command aliases:
bcreate, bcrt
user, usrs
Name | Short name | Type | Description |
--format | -f | string | input format (valid values: csv, gsheet, json) json is the default |
--input-file | -i | string | Path to input file or Google Sheet ID |
--sheet-range | -s | string | Google sheet data range in the format 'Sheet1!A1:C10' |
Input data: CSV file, Google Sheet, JSON file or piped JSON input
Required Scope:
CSV files and Google Sheets must contain a header row and the row headings must be valid user attribute names. Both CSV files and Google Sheets do not allow input of nested information, therefore the only valid attributes are as follows:
- changePasswordAtNextLogin [value true or false]
- firstName or givenName [required]
- includeInGlobalAddressList [value true or false]
- ipWhitelisted [value true or false]
- lastName or familyName [required]
- orgUnitPath
- password [required]
- primaryEmail [required]
- recoveryEmail
- recoveryPhone [must start with '+' in E.164 format]
- suspended [value true or false]
These names are case insensitive and can be provided in any order.
JSON data for each user is expected on separate lines like this:
gmin bcrt users -i /path/to/file/inputfile.json
gmin bcrt user -i /path/to/file/inputfile.csv --format csv
gmin batch-create usrs -i 1zpyC6XzvTdKT5EIUywvqESX3A0MwQoFDE7p-Bll4hps -s 'Sheet1!A1:G50' -f gsheet
Please note: If you want to provide JSON user data that has empty values, such as empty strings or false values, then you must use the forceSendFields field (see Empty Data Fields).
The batch-delete users command allows you to delete multiple Google Workspace users with one command. It takes input data in any of the formats detailed below and a message is displayed for each user that is deleted. If an error is encountered, the error is logged and displayed if the --silent flag is not being used. Processing then continues with the next record.
Command aliases:
bdelete, bdel
user, usrs, usr
Name | Short name | Type | Description |
--format | -f | string | input format (valid values: text, gsheet) text is the default |
--input-file | -i | string | Path to input file or Google Sheet ID |
--sheet-range | -s | string | Google sheet data range in the format 'Sheet1!A1:C10' |
Input data: Google Sheet, Text file or piped text input
Required Scope:
The text input file, piped text input or Google Sheet must provide the email address or id of each user on a separate line like this:
N.B. Input Google Sheets must not have a header row.
gmin bdel users -i /path/to/file/inputfile.txt
gmin batch-delete usrs -i 1zpyC6XzvTdKT5EIUywvqESX3A0MwQoFDE7p-Bll4hps -s 'Sheet1!A1:A50' -f gsheet
gmin ls user -a primaryemail -q orgunitpath=/TestOU | jq '.users[] | .primaryEmail' -r | gmin bdel user
The batch-undelete users command allows you to undelete (restore) multiple Google Workspace users with one command. It takes input data in any of the formats detailed below and outputs a message for each user that it restores. If an error is encountered, it is logged, displayed to the console if the --silent flag is not used and processing continues to the next record.
Command aliases:
bundelete, bund
user, usrs, usr
Name | Short name | Type | Description |
--format | -f | string | input format (valid values: csv, gsheet, json) json is the default |
--input-file | -i | string | Path to input file or Google Sheet ID |
--sheet-range | -s | string | Google sheet data range in the format 'Sheet1!A1:B10' |
Input data: CSV file, Google Sheet, JSON file or piped JSON input
Required Scope:
A JSON input file or piped JSON input must provide data on separate lines like this:
Please note: You must provide user ids and NOT email addresses. If you try to use email addresses you will see errors and the command will fail.
CSV files and Google Sheets must contain a header row and the row headings must be valid user attribute names. The only valid attributes are as follows:
- orgUnitPath [required]
- userKey [required]
These names are case insensitive and can be provided in any order.
gmin batch-undelete users -i inputfile.json
gmin bund user -i inputfile.csv -f csv
gmin bund user -i 1odyAIp3jGspd3M4xeepxWD6aeQIUuHBgrZB2OHSu8MI -s 'Sheet1!A1:B25' -f gsheet
The batch-update users command allows you to update multiple Google Workspace users with one command. It takes input data in any of the formats detailed below and outputs a message for each user that it updates. If an error is encountered, it is logged, displayed to the console if the --silent flag is not used and processing continues to the next record.
Command aliases:
bupdate, bupd
user, usrs, usr
Name | Short name | Type | Description |
--format | -f | string | input format (valid values: csv, gsheet, json) json is the default |
--input-file | -i | string | Path to input file or Google Sheet ID |
--sheet-range | -s | string | Google sheet data range in the format 'Sheet1!A1:H10' |
Input data: CSV file, Google Sheet, JSON file or piped JSON input
Required Scope:
N.B. userKey (user email address, alias or id) must be provided.
CSV files and Google Sheets must contain a header row and the row headings must be valid user attribute names. Both CSV files and Google Sheets do not allow input of nested information, therefore the only valid attributes are as follows:
- changePasswordAtNextLogin [value true or false]
- firstName or givenName
- includeInGlobalAddressList [value true or false]
- ipWhitelisted [value true or false]
- lastName or familyName
- orgUnitPath
- password
- primaryEmail
- recoveryEmail
- recoveryPhone [must start with '+' in E.164 format]
- suspended [value true or false]
- userKey [required]
These names are case insensitive and can be provided in any order.
JSON data for each user is expected on separate lines like this:
gmin batch-update users -i inputfile.json
gmin bupd users -i inputfile.csv -f csv
gmin bupd user -i 1odyAIp3jGspd3M4xeepxWD6aeQIUuHBgrZB2OHSu8MI -s 'Sheet1!A1:K25' -f gsheet
Please note: If you want to provide JSON user data that has empty values, such as empty strings or false values, then you must use the forceSendFields field (see Empty Data Fields).
The create user command allows you to create a Google Workspace user.
Command aliases:
user's email address
Name | Short name | Type | Description |
--attributes | -a | string | user's attributes as a JSON string |
--change-password | -c | boolean | user must change password on next login |
--first-name | -f | string | user's first name |
--force | string | field list for ForceSendFields separated by '~' | |
--global-address-list | -g | boolean | user is included in Global Address List |
--last-name | -l | string | user's last name |
--orgunit | -o | string | user's orgunit |
--password | -p | string | user's password |
--recovery-email | -z | string | user's recovery email address |
--recovery-phone | -k | string | user's recovery phone |
--suspended | -s | boolean | user is suspended |
Required Scope:
The delete user command allows you to delete a Google Workspace user.
Command aliases:
user's email address or id
Required Scope:
The get user command retrieves information about a particular Google Workspace user.
Command aliases:
user's email address or id
Required Scope:
The list users command retrieves information about multiple Google Workspace users.
Command aliases:
user, usrs, usr
Required Scope:
The undelete user command restores a deleted Google Workspace user. N.B. Deleted users are permanently removed after 20 days.
Command aliases:
user's id
Required Scope:
The update user command allows you to update a Google Workspace user.
Command aliases:
user's email address or id
Required Scope: