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Releases: pmndrs/valtio


20 May 12:32
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There was a regression since v1.5.0 introduced in #234, which is now fixed.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1


21 Apr 14:14
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This improves proxyWithComputed. No changes in API, but its behavior is changed and simplified. To have the same behavior as before, you need to wrap computed functions with memoize from proxy-memoize. It's more explicit and thus customizable.

What's Changed

  • fix(vanilla): use named symbol in DEV mode by @ahaoboy in #434
  • breaking(utils): make proxyWithComputed to work with optional proxy-memoize by @dai-shi in #436
  • fix(vanilla): support undefined property in proxy by @dai-shi in #440

Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v1.6.0


07 Apr 12:21
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This fixes an issue with server rendering such as with Next.js.

What's Changed

  • fix(react): do not omit getServerState in useSyncExternalStore by @dai-shi in #416

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2


02 Apr 02:08
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There was an issue in ESM build in v1.5.0, which caused a problem to Next.js users. It's fixed.

What's Changed

  • refactor(utils): small refactor in devtools by @dai-shi in #409
  • fix(build): temporary workaround for ESM by @dai-shi in #411

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1


30 Mar 11:59
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This uses useSyncExternalStore from React 18. It uses a shim when it's with pre-18, so nothing is breaking.

What's Changed

  • fix(utils): avoid infinite loop with mutual derive usage by @dai-shi in #399
  • fix(utils/devtools): enabled option and supress warning by @dai-shi in #400
  • feat: use-sync-external-store by @dai-shi in #234
  • refactor(vanilla): Use the default parameters by @ahaoboy in #405

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0


16 Mar 11:24
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This release adds valtio/macro/vite to enable useProxy macro for vite users. It's pretty new and may contain bugs. Feel free to report issues.
It also includes various non-trivial bug fixes.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0


28 Feb 11:41
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This fixes Maximum call stack size exceeded error in DEV.

What's Changed

  • fix(core): avoid Maximum call stack size exceeded error with circular structure by @dai-shi in #379

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1


12 Feb 13:33
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This fixes some build issues. UMD/SystemJS builds are completely renewed. Exported functions are refactored for TypeScript and we have an easier option to loosen useSnapshot typing (#357).

What's Changed

  • feat(build): use __DEV__ to control development mode by @dai-shi in #338
  • fix(utils): do not depend on react in build by @dai-shi in #358
  • refactor: prefer function declaration by @dai-shi in #359
  • breaking(core): drop deprecated types by @dai-shi in #364

Full Changelog: v1.2.12...v1.3.0


08 Feb 12:12
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This is just a small release to fix a bug in proxyWithHistory util.

What's Changed

  • fix(utils): multiple redos at once with proxyWithHistory by @dai-shi in #354

Full Changelog: v1.2.11...v1.2.12


25 Jan 12:05
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v1.2.10 has two serious issues: a) TS types for useSnapshot and proxyWithComputed are broken. b) derive has a bug. They should be fixed in v1.2.11, but there can still be some bugs. Please feel free to open issues.

What's Changed

  • fix(utils): re-implement derive to make glitch free (#335 was buggy) by @Noitidart in #341
  • fix(types): workaround for extracting types by @dai-shi in #342

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.10...v1.2.11