MongoBackupMinio is a nodejs package that allows you to backup Mongo databases to
Make sure you have Mongodb tool installed on your computer
Then run
npm i mongo-backup-minio
import * from 'mongo-backup-minio'
const config: MongoBackupConfig = {
Database: string;
MongoHost: string;
MongoPort: string;
MongoUser: string;
MongoPass: string;
MinioEndpoint: string;
MinioAccessKey: string;
MinioSecretKey: string;
MongoSSL: boolean;
ZipName?: string;
MinioRootPath?: string;
MinioBucket: string;
MinioSSL: boolean;
MinioPort?: number;
WebhookURL: string;
const backup = new MongoBackup(config)
To use this as a CLI tool, install the package globally.
Then run npx mongo-backup-minio
with the following options:
--host Connection String for Mongodb
--database The name of the database
--mongo-port The database port
--mongo-user The usernamse associated with the database
--mongo-pass The password used for the mongodb
--minio-endpoint The endpoint used to connect to your minio instance
--accesskey Your Minio access key
--secretkey Your Minio secret key
--mongo-ssl Determines whether to connect to the mongo db using ssl
--root-path The path in your minio instance where the uploaded backup is stored
--minio-bucket The name of the bucket
--minio-ssl Determines if the connection to minio will be via ssl
--minio-port The port used to connect to your Minio instance
--slack-hook The webhook used with slack integration
So an example use would be npx mongo-backup-minio --host=database-host --database=database-name --mongo-port=27017 --mongo-user=user --mongo-pass=password --accesskey=access --secretkey=secret --mongo-ssl=false --minio-bucket=bucket --minio-port=4000
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.