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Software app to run the PNL pipelines, and for writing your own custom pipelines.

Install into your project directory:

git clone

See pnlpipe for full documentation.

Ad-hoc Software Installation

pnlpipe has a set of recipes for building most of the software used at the PNL. It can install multiple versions of the same package, which makes it easy to upgrade software for your project without affecting anyone else's currently running projects. It installs the software to $PNLPIPE_SOFT, which on the cluster is set to /data/pnl/soft and on the network is set to /rfanfs/pnl-zorro/software. ($soft is also set to these directories.)

To get a list of available software packages:

cd /data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe
./pnlpipe install -h

    pnlpipe install [SWITCHES] softwareModule

where softwareModule is one of:

To install one of them:

./pnlpipe install <software> [--version <version>]

For example,

./pnlpipe install UKFTractography --version DiffusionPropagator
./pnlpipe install BRAINSTools --version master

installs the DiffusionPropagator branch of UKFTractography and the master branch of BRAINSTools.

Each software module interprets version in its own way. Most of the time, --version expects a Github revision, as for these examples. However the switch is optional; running install without specifying a version will install the software's default version.

Here's an example on how to install the Washington University's HCP Pipeline scripts:

./pnlpipe install HCPPipelines --version 3.22.0


The old bash scripts in pnlutil are deprecated and are replaced by pnlpipe/pnlscripts. The new scripts are implemented in python, using the plumbum shell scripting library. This makes them easier to understand and modify, guarantees that temporary intermediate files are cleaned up, and lets them accept non-standard file names. Some of the scripts have also been updated to use the newer ANTs binaries/API, and some, like, have additional options and features.

Many of the scripts use ANTs, which we get via BRAINSTools. Before using these scripts, the environment variable ANTSPATH needs to be set. You can do this by running

 source $soft/BRAINSTools-bin-<commit>/

where <commit> is a Github revision or date. This will set up ANTS for that particular version of BRAINSTools (see below for installing BRAINSTools).


Project tracker, to run in your project directories.

The database of projects that people push to is on the cluster at export PNLDASH_DB=/data/pnl/soft/pnldash/db.

BRAINSTools (including ANTs)

To install the latest and add it to your PATH and ANTSPATH:

cd /path/to/pnlpipe
./pnlpipe install BRAINSTools --version master
source $PNLPIPE_SOFT/BRAINSTools-bin-<commit>/

Sometimes installing BRAINSTools will give a build error, in this case delete $PNLPIPE_SOFT/BRAINSTools-build and try installing again.


To install latest:

cd /path/to/pnlpipe
./pnlpipe install UKFTractography --version master

Sometimes installing UKFTractography will give a build error, in this case delete $PNLPIPE_SOFT/UKFTractography-build and try installing again.


  • homepage:
  • cluster: /data/pnl/soft/Slicer-*-linux-amd64
  • network: /rfanfs/pnl-zorro/software/Slicer-*-linux-amd64

To install, for example, version 4.7.0:

cd /path/to/pnlpipe
./pnlpipe install Slicer --version 4.7.0


To install the latest and add it to the PATH and PYTHONPATH:

cd /path/to/pnlpipe
./pnlpipe install whitematteranalysis --version master
source $soft/whitematteranalysis-<commit>/


To install the latest and add it to the PATH and PYTHONPATH:

cd /path/to/pnlpipe
./pnlpipe install tract_querier --version master
source $soft/tract_querier-<commit>/

Washington University HCPPipelines

To install version 3.22.0:

cd /path/to/pnlpipe
./pnlpipe install HCPPipelines --version master


Haskell program that compares the nrrd headers of two or more nrrd images and prints or saves a csv with one row per key.

  • homepage:
  • cluster: /data/pnl/soft/nrrdchecker-*/nrrdchecker # binaries
  • cluster: /data/pnl/soft/nrrdchecker # source directory
  • network: /rfanfs/pnl-zorro/software/nrrdchecker-553c310/nrrdchecker

To install/update on the cluster:

cd /path/to/pnlpipe
./pnlpipe install nrrdchecker

To manually build on the cluster:

module load stack
cd /data/pnl/soft/nrrdchecker
stack build
stack exec -- nrrdchecker -h

You can copy the output to the PNL local network to use it there (where stack or cabal isn't installed).


To install latest version:

cd /path/to/pnlpipe
./pnlpipe install mrtrix3 --version master


On the cluster, you can load software using module. For example, for matlab:

module unload matlab
module load matlab/2017a

To see a list of available modules:

module avail

Testing DWIConvert

pnlpipe has a pipeline called DWIConvertTest that tests the BRAINSTools DWI conversion binary by comparing the two nrrds that result from these conversions:

 DWI -> nrrd
 DWI -> nifti -> nrrd

They should be the same but this isn't the case (see BRAINSia/BRAINSTools#350). 'space origin' and 'thicknesses' are not preserved in commits 2d5eccb, 41353e8, and b195aae, the commits I tested.

I suggest that when upgrading to a new version of DWIConvert that you run this test first. On the cluster:

 cd /data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe-dwiconverttest
 # add new commit to pnlpipe_params/DWIConvertTest.params

This generates an html report _data/DWIConvertTest.html. See the latest at


dwipipeline multi-shell

These are some scripts I wrote long time ago that apply our eddy current correction to multi-shell DWI's.


Disk usage logging

This software generates a report of the PNL's disk usage.

The scripts here are called daily and weekly by a cron job that is defined in


To make sure the cron job is active on a machine, run

crontab -ls

If it is active and running correctly, every week a report of the PNL's disk usage will be generated and saved as /rfanfs/pnl-zorro/software/diskusage-logging/_data/report.html. The cron job is also configured to email the report to the head RA and Sylvain, although this can be unreliable at times.

If no cron job is detected and you want to start one on a particular machine, run

crontab ./pnl.crontab

Make sure to check regularly that the report is being generated every week.

Conda: Software and Python Environments

It is recommended that each project have its own isolated software environment. The advantages of this over a global environment are that it protects the project from changes to the global environment, allows projects to use different software configurations, and records what software was used to generate the data.

To help with this, we are transitioning to using pnlpipe to run our pipelines and install MRI processing software, and conda for setting up our python environments.

Conda is a general purpose package manager whose advantage over virtualenv is that it is not limited to python packages. This helps managing python packages that have external dependencies such as NumPy, SciPy, VTK, and Matplotlib. Conda is installed on the cluster as well as the local network.

To setup a conda environment, each project lists its dependencies in a file called environment.yml. Here's an example for a project that uses whitematteranalysis:

name: wma-664bb45
      - nibabel
      - numpy
      - vtk
      - joblib
      - matplotlib
      - pip:
        - git+

To create and activate this environment, you would run

conda env create -f  environment.yml
source activate wma-664bb45

Note you can install whitematteranalysis using pnlpipe, see above.

Further Reading


Listing jobs:

binfo # lists PNL nodes availability
bjobs # lists your LSF jobs

See what software packages are available:

module avail

Loading and unloading a software package:

module unload matlab
module load matlab/2017a


The pnl wide bashrc is located in /data/pnl/soft/bashrc. Your personal ~/.bashrc should source this file, i.e. put source /data/pnl/soft/bashrc at the end of ~/.bashrc.


I used to use unison to sync data between the local PNL network and the cluster, primarily for INTRuST but also for other datasets. The configuration for each data set are saved in this directory:


For example, to sync INTRuST, from anywhere on the network run

unison -perms 0 int  # -perms 0 means ignore change in permissions

It is a bidirectional sync, so changes can be pushed in either direction. Press '/' to skip a change, 'f' to accept a proposed change, and '<' or '>' to push a change from or to the cluster.

Multi-Atlas Brain Segmentation (MABS)

The old script to run MABS, in pnlutil, has been replaced by in pnlpipe/pnlscripts. This script includes an option to fuse labelmaps using antsJointFusion, a method that outperformed several other fusion strategies that I tested in a DWI baseline mask prediction task. It also fixes a bug in that it deletes its temporary output when interrupted and won't fill up the cluster's /tmp directories.

It has an option to accept command line arguments as well as a csv file.

Command line arguments:

./pnlscripts/ args -h  # to setup ANTSPATH, run source $soft/BRAINSTools-bin-<commit>/
Specify training images and labelmaps via commandline arguments.

Usage: args [SWITCHES]

    -h, --help                                     Prints this help message and quits
    --help-all                                     Print help messages of all subcommands and quit
    -v, --version                                  Prints the program's version and quits

    --fusion VALUE:{'avg', 'antsJointFusion'}      Also create predicted labelmap(s) by fusing the atlas labelmaps; may be given multiple times
    -i, --images VALUE:str                         list of images in quotations, e.g. "img1.nrrd img2.nrrd"; required
    -l, --labels VALUE:str                         list of labelmap images in quotations, e.g. "mask1.nrrd mask2.nrrd cingr1.nrrd cingr2.nrrd"; required
    -n, --names VALUE:str                          list of names for generated labelmaps, e.g. "atlasmask atlascingr"; required
    -o, --out VALUE:str                            output directory; required
    -t, --target VALUE:ExistingFile                target image; required

Csv file argument:

./pnlscripts/ csv -h  # to setup ANTSPATH, run source $soft/BRAINSTools-bin-<commit>/
Specify training images and labelmaps via a csv file.  The names in the header row will be used to name the generated atlas labelmaps.

Usage: csv [SWITCHES] csv

    -h, --help                                     Prints this help message and quits
    --help-all                                     Print help messages of all subcommands and quit
    -v, --version                                  Prints the program's version and quits

    --fusion VALUE:{'avg', 'antsJointFusion'}      Also create predicted labelmap(s) by averaging the atlas labelmaps; may be given multiple times
    -o, --out VALUE:str                            output directory; required
    -t, --target VALUE:ExistingFile                target image; required


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