This script contains a syntax highlight plugins and terminal banner on your termux home screen..
- oh-my-zsh themes
- zsh-autosuggest-command plugins
- zsh-syntax-highlighting plugins
- termux-banner
- PS1 with custom trim path indicator
- Custom prompt cursor
- other (git prompt)
- open new session
CTRL + t
- close terminal
swipe up throughout that icon
- swich between two sessions
CTRL + 4
andCTRL + 5
- other shortcuts need video guide.
- pkg update && pkg upgrade
- pkg install git
- pkg install bash
- git clone
- cd Termux-Banner-Pro
- ls
- bash
- after complete all processing just --open new session-- or
source ~/.zshrc
- For remove tool `cd ~/Termux-Banner-Pro && --remove && exit