bitwise-go is multi base interactive calculator supporting dynamic base conversion and bit manipulation. It's a handy tool for low level hackers, kernel developers and device drivers developers.
This repository is based on mellowcandle/bitwise.
Some of the features include:
- Works on multi-platform such as Windows, OSX, Linux.
- Individual bit manipulator.
Please download binary from Release page.
Requirement: Go and Make
$ git clone
$ cd ./bitwise-go
$ make
bitwise-go can be used both Interactively and in command line mode.
In command line mode, bitwise will calculate the given expression and will output the result in all bases including binary representation.
bitwise-go detects the base by the preface of the input (0x/0X for hexadecimal, leading 0 for octal, 0b for binary, and the rest is decimal).
bitwise-go starts in interactive mode if no command line parameters are passed. In this mode, you can input a number and manipulate it and see the other bases change dynamically. It also allows changing individual bits in the binary.
To move around use the arrow keys, or use vi key bindings : h j k l . Leave the program by pressing q .
You can toggle a bit bit using the space key.
- q, esc - Exit