- Based on distributional reinforcement learning [1]
- The AI is as good as experienced Take It Easy players
- For training, the game is simulated by a highly efficient C++ implementation
Take It Easy is an abstract strategy board game for one to infinite players/AI's.
Each player receives 27 hexagonal pieces and a board. A board has 19 hexagonal spaces on which the pieces can be placed. Each piece has three line fractions on it, associated with a number from 1 to 9.
The game is played for 19 steps. For each step a piece is randomly selected, which every player then places on their board. In the end, each player receives points for each line they have completed (length of the line times the number associated with the line). The player with the highest number of points wins the game.
The example below shows exemplarily how a game could go (thanks to Quickblink for the perfect arrangement of the pieces on the right).
The final score is
3*6 + 3*5 + 4*9 + 5*1 + 4*4 + 4*3 + 3*8 = 126
This AI is based on reinforcement learning i.e. a policy is learned that maximizes the points the player will receive. is the current state of the board and is the piece that should be placed on the board.
In order to find the policy, a value based distributional approach is used, similar to [1]. I. e. a neural network predicts the distribution of the random variable which represents the points a player will receive if they are in the state and they follow the policy .
The policy can then be defined in terms of :
Where is the current state of the board, is the piece that should be placed on the board, is the space on which the piece will be placed, is the points the player receives if they complete a line by placing on , and is the state of the board if is placed on .
The network can be updated using a distributional version of the bellman equation:
Note that in this case is a random variable. is also the only source of randomness.
The state of the board (i. e. the state ) is encoded in a 19x3x3 array where the first dimension identifies the space, the second dimension identifies the direction and the third dimension identifies the number using one hot encoding.
The network is a 4-layer fully connected neural network with 2048, 1024, and 512 hidden neurons and LeakyReLU activation functions. It takes the encoded board configuration as input and outputs a vector with 100 values representing the different quantiles (see [1] for more information on the encoding of the distribution).
For training, a dataset comprised of 16384 games is created on which the network is then trained for 8 epochs. This is repeated 150 times.
- The AI receives 167 points on average
- The received points may range from 20 up to 300
- The AI shows typical strategic behaviour e. g. it tends to place high scoring pieces on the outer lines of length 3 and 4 and uses the inner line of length 5 as 'trash line' i. e. it usually does not complete it.
The figure below shows a histogram of final received points. While the game certainly requires some strategic considerations, the histogram suggests that the received points also includes a significant amount of randomness.
For comparison, Quickblink and I played 10 games with the AI in order to figure out how well it performs. We both consider ourselves as experienced Take It Easy players.
The table below shows the received points for the 10 games.
The games were played with the python implementation of Take It Easy and the seed 0
The game logs can be found in the folder game_logs.
The experiments suggest that the AI is on par with experienced Take It Easy players. It won 5 out of the 10 games. Quickblink won 4 games and I won one game. Quickblink has the best average score, closely followed by the AI.
Game | Quickblink | polarbart | AI |
1 | 152 | 148 | 178 |
2 | 166 | 147 | 184 |
3 | 102 | 58 | 145 |
4 | 141 | 153 | 155 |
5 | 189 | 106 | 165 |
6 | 174 | 153 | 180 |
7 | 195 | 185 | 185 |
8 | 227 | 140 | 171 |
9 | 169 | 188 | 164 |
10 | 185 | 167 | 139 |
Mean score | 170 | 144.5 | 166.6 |
Games won | 4 | 1 | 5 |
In order to try out this AI the following requirements need to be met:
python >= 3.5
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/polarbart/TakeItEasyAI
cd TakeItEasyAI
To try out the AI run gui.py:
python gui.py
If the gui is too large or too small you may adjust its size with the parameter radius
which can be found at the end of gui.py.
In order to train the model by yourself, you first have to compile the C++ implementation of TakeItEasy which is roughly a gazillion times faster compared to the python implementation and therefore essential for training:
cd cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
Then you can train your model by running trainer_distributional_quantile_regression.py:
python trainer_distributional_quantile_regression.py
You might want to adjust the hyperparameters n_games
, batch_size_games
, and data_device
depending on your amount of VRAM. I trained it on a NVIDIA Tesla V100 (16 GB VRAM) for roughly 7 hours.
- The maximal number of points a player can receive is 307
- There are
27*26* ... *8 = 270061246290137702400000 = 2.7e+23
possible final board configurations - Every direction is associated with three numbers
- The vertical line has the numbers 1, 5, and 9
- The line from top left to bottom right has the numbers 3, 4, and 8
- The line from top right to bottom left has the numbers 2, 6, and 7
- Every combination of numbers exists, that's why the game has
unique pieces
[1] Dabney, Will, et al. "Distributional reinforcement learning with quantile regression." arXiv:1710.10044 (2017).
[2] Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto: “Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction”, 2018; MIT Press, Cambridge.