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Document for frontend

What is this repository for?

This repository is for Brainforge frontend project. React( library and Ant.Design framework ( are used.

How do I setup?

Clone this project from git

git clone

Install dependencies and configure

  • Install node packages

    yarn install or npm install

Set up environment variables

The project expects environment variables to be contained in a file named .env.
An example file named .env.example is included in the source code containing the fields that need to be populated along with some sample values. It should be sufficient to pass all unit tests.

  • Copy the file to .env so that the application can use it:

    cp .env.example .env
  • Populate it with your own variables as needed. Never include .env in the source code! It may contain secrets such as API keys.

Start the server

  • Run this command

    yarn start or npm start



This is the current frontend hierarchy

  ├── components
  │   ├── ComponentA
  │   │   ├── index.js
  │   │   └── index.test.js
  │   └── ComponentB
  │       ├── index.js
  │       └── index.test.js
  ├── config
  │   └── base.js
  ├── containers
  │   ├── ContainerA
  │   │   ├── index.js
  │   │   └── index.test.js
  │   └── ContainerB
  │       ├── index.js
  │       └── index.test.js
  ├── polyfills
  │   └── localStorage.js
  ├── routes
  │   └── index.js
  ├── store
  │   ├── middlewares
  │   │   ├── tests
  │   │   └── auth.js
  │   │
  │   └── modules
  │       ├── ModuleA
  │       │   ├── tests
  │       │   ├── constants.js
  │       │   ├── index.js
  │       │   ├── reducer.js
  │       │   ├── sagas.js
  │       │   └── selectors.js
  │       └── ModuleB
  │           ├── tests
  │           ├── constants.js
  │           ├── index.js
  │           ├── reducer.js
  │           ├── sagas.js
  │           └── selectors.js
  ├── styles
  │   ├── pageA.scss
  │   └── pageB.scss
  ├── tests
  │   ├── helpers.js
  │   └── mocks.js
  ├── utils
  │   ├── utilsA.js
  │   └── utilsB.js
  ├── index.js
  ├── registerServiceWorker.js
  └── setupTests.js

Pages reside in containers folder and each component has its own test file.

Modules in store folder are core of this project. It manages redux store and makes AJAX calls using redux-saga and Axios. Used redux-actions to ease development.

How to run tests

Jest and Enzyme testing libraries are used.

  • To run the test suits

    yarn test or npm test
  • To measure test coverage

    yarn test --coverage or npm test --coverage


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