Material for the course of Web Applications I (in English) and Applicazioni Web I (in Italian) for the Master Degree in Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino.
Detailed information about the course is available in the dedicated web pages.
Resource | Web Applications I | Applicazioni Web I |
Course website | | |
YouTube Playlist | ||
GitHub repositories | | |
- Introduction to JavaScript (part 1)
- Introduction to JavaScript (part 2)
- JavaScript exercises
- Asynchronouos JavaScript programming
- Functional Programming in JS
- Prototypes, Classes and Modules
- The 'this' keyword
Browsers and client-side applications
Web Servers and server-side APIs
- Introduction to React
- Components, Elements, JSX
- Context, Life Cycle, Forms
- Client-Server interactions
- React Router
- JWT - JSON Web Token
- React Hooks
- Lab 1: Getting Started with Node.js
- Lab 2: Getting Started with HTML and CSS
- Lab 3: JavaScript in the Browser
- Lab 4: More JavaScript in the Browser
- Lab 5: REST with Express
- Lab 6: Interacting with REST API
- Lab 7: Getting started with React
- Lab 8: React: State and Life Cycle
- Lab 9: React meets REST API
- Lab 10: Task Manager App - The End