BCALM 2 is a bioinformatics software for constructing the de Bruijn graph of sequencing data.
More precisely, this repository is the new, parallel version of the BCALM software. It is using a new algorithm, and is implemented using the GATB library. The original, single-threaded code of BCALM (version 1) is still available at: https://github.com/Malfoy/bcalm
Read the instructions below to compile, then:
./bcalm -in [reads.fa] -k [kmer_size] -abundance [abundance_threshold]
./bglue -in unitigs.h5 -k [kmer_size]
./bcalm -in reads.fa -k 21 -abundance 2
./bglue -in unitigs.h5 -k 21
GCC >= 4.8 or a very recent C++11 capable compiler
To retrieve bcalm and its submodule (gatb-core), type
git clone --recursive https://github.com/GATB/bcalm
For building your project, you should do the following
mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make -j 8
Then, you should get a binary in
Note: the first compilation should take some time since the GATB-CORE library is generated.