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Input field with tagging/token/chip capabilities written in raw JavaScript.


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Input field with tagging/token/chip capabilities written in raw JavaScript. Tokens in OS X or Chips in Android -
small UI elements which are inserted into various input fields that often combine with autocomplete functionality.

Tokens allow designers to display extra information about input. For example, in email applications when typing an
email address of the recipient, input field could display full name of the owner of a given email and a his/her picture.

This Tokenfield implementation is written in raw JavaScript without any extra dependencies like jQuery. it has one
somewhat opinionated behavior - Tokenfield intended use case is work with structured data. More specifically, it expects
autocomplete data to be JSOn formatted array of objects where each object contains token ID and token Name. More on that


View live examples here.

GIF demo


Via JavaScript

Tokenfield could be applied to any visible <input /> element that allows users
to input text or number.

// Given that we have following HTML element: <input class="my-input" />
var tf = new Tokenfield({
  el: document.querySelector('.my-input')

This action would create Tokenfield wrapped around given input element. Without additional options, this Tokenfield
would allow users to add multiple token items without any specific restrictions. Only unique items are allowed, though,
so it is not possible to add multiple items such as: "foo", "bar", "foo". Only first "foo" would be added and the last
one discarded.


As it was mentioned above - Tokenfield is intended to be used with structured data - array of objects. With default
options it expects that data returned by the autocomplete or filtered from a given set of items would look like that:

[{id: 1, name: 'Red'}, {id: 2, name: 'Blue'}, {id: 3, name: 'Greed'}, ... ]

You can see that each object has two properties - id and a name. With this format when you submit form where
Tokenfield is located, server would receive not an array of string, but an array of IDs.

However, that is a case only with tokens that are added via autocomplete. If Tokenfield accepts new tokens, then form
would send an additional array which would contain an array of strings.


Name Type Default Description
el string or DOM node null DOM element or string with selector pointing at an element you want to turn into tokenfield.
items array [] Array of objects amongst which autocomplete will try to find a match. Default format might look like this: [{id: 1, name: 'foo'}, {id: 2, name: 'bar'}]
setItems array [] Array of objects which would be displayed as selected after Tokenfield has been created.
newItems bool true Option to allow user to add custom tokens instead of using preset list of tokens or tokens retrieved from the server.
multiple bool true Option to allow multiple tokens in the field.
maxItems integer 0 Option to limit number of items. Set to 0 to remove the limit.
remote object Details on that - below in Autocomplete section.
placeholder null or string null Set a placeholder that will be shown in the input. If set to null, will try to use placeholder attribute from the original element set in el
minChars integer 2 Specifies how many characters user has to input before autocomplete suggester is shown.
maxSuggests integer 10 Specifies how many suggestions should be shown.
itemLabel string 'name' Property of an item object which is used to display text in tokens.
itemName string 'items' Each token item will have its own hidden input which will contain an ID of a given item and a name attribute in an array format. This option sets a name. By default it is set to "items" which means that when user will submit a form server would receive an array of IDs under the name "items".
newItemName string 'items_new' Same as the above except it is only related to new items which were not added via autocomplete.
itemValue string 'id' Specifies which property from the autocomplete data to use as a primary identifying value.
itemData string 'name' Which property should be used when you do autocomplete on a given array of items.

Remote Options

Below you will find list of options which are related to remote autocomplete requests. Options are set as properties
of an object assigned to remote property of the parent options object:

new Tokenfield({
  remote: {
    url: "",
Name Type Default Description
type string 'GET' Sets AJAX request type. Usually GET or POST
url string null Specifies which URL will be used to retrieve autocomplete data. If set to null - remote autocomplete won't be performed.
queryParam string 'q' Sets name of the parameter which would contain value that user typed in the input field.
delay integer 300 Sets delay in milliseconds after which remote request is performed.
timestampParam string 't' Sets parameter for the timestamp when remote call was requested.
params object {} Sets any additional AJAX params


Tokenfield uses standard node.js EventEmitter and therefore supports such event as: 'on', 'once', 'removeAllListeners', 'removeListener'.

For more details on EventEmitter, please check official [](documentaion page).

Available events are:

Event Type Description
change Fired after any change in tokens list - after adding or removing tokens, setting multiple tokens manually etc.
showSuggestions Fired before Tokenfield would show suggestions box.
shownSuggestions Fired after Tokenfield has shown suggestions box.
hideSuggestions Fired before Tokenfield would hide suggestions box.
hiddenSuggestions Fired after Tokenfield has hidden suggestions box.
addToken Fired before token has been added to the tokenfield. Second argument contains token data.
addedToken Fired after token has been added to internal token list.
removeToken Fired before token has been removed from the tokenfield. Second argument contains token data.
removedToken Fired after token has been removed from the tokenfield. Second argument contains removed token data.

Helper Methods

Tokenfield has several overridable methods which allow user to remap given token data or change how some elements are

Available methods are:

Method name Description
remapData Fired on every data request. Override it if you want to change structure of an available data - change props names, sanitize property values, remove props. Just make sure to return array of objects which would be consumed by the tokenfield instance.
renderSetItemLabel Fired on token item render. Override this method in order to change how label for each token is rendered
onInput Fired when you type something in the input field. Accepts value of the input field and event object.


Input field with tagging/token/chip capabilities written in raw JavaScript.







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