This application creates a score for a movie from its response on YouTube. "Response" is a combination of the scores given by review videos, and how well those review videos were received.
This project is composed of three seperate applications running in parallel. The chart below should show how everything interacts.
The front-end application is built using React and hosted on Google's App Engine.
The design of the front-end app is centered around display; it handles almost no logic. All of the pcitures, titles, scores, are fetched from the Golang backend via a RESTful API.
The front-end uses Bootstrap for style. It specifically makes use of the fantastic Bootstrap Cards.
The backend for frontend is written in Golang and utilizes a Kubernetes deployment.
This application is made to handle anything that the frontend might need. Some things include the collection of pcitures for the movies, serving pre-proccessed data like titles, scores, descriptions, etc.
The application also acts as a wrapper for the NoSQL Client database. This allows for other applications to communicate with the database via a RESTful API.
In the future, this application will handle user logins and authentication.
This application uses nothing outside of the standard Go library.
The data-side application collects, cleans, and maintains the data nesscesary to develop the models used to determine review scores.
Here is an overview of the pipeline and application.
This application uses CircleCI to package/deploy to the Python Package Index (PyPI). Ansible provisions and deploys the package to a linux server.
Yes, there is a whole GUI for this side of the appliation which can be found here. If you are interested in seeing it in action, email me at and I will send you the credentials.
The GUI acts as an interface to the data collection process. It allows you to add/remove movies from the database. It also shows you which data might not be useful and needs to be looked at. In addition, it acts as an easy interface to manually input the "scores" for the video reviews.
This app uses Flask for the back-end, and JQuery for the front.
Absolutely not. I am still honing in the model into something I would be comfortable deploying. In addition, the data-pipeline does not clean the data as well as it should.