An experimental Qt-based port of ShaderToy code running in OculusVR (DK2, SDK v0.4). Currently this is Mac OS X only (tested only on Yosemite), though the code is almost pure Qt and porting to other platforms should be straightforward.
Ships with the following ported shaders:
Some videos of it in action:
The original ShaderToy shaders these are based on can be found here:
- Seascape
- Love Tunnel
- MetaHexaBalls
- Menger Journey
- Menger's Dream
- Spout
- Mirror Room
- Infinite Repetition
- Minecraft
(Note that on startup, a mouse click may be needed for the application to enter fullscreen correctly. This is a bug).
- Look around as usual via head motion in Oculus VR.
- Change body rotation (yaw) via left-right mouse movement.
- Press Space to move to next demo.
- Press P key to pause the animation. (Note that in some demos, the camera position can only be changed in paused mode).
- Move in world space via AWSD keys, and cursor keys.
- Press G to show a GL-rendered grid overlaid on top of the raymarching render.
You need Qt5 installed, and Oculus SDK v0.4. Obviously an Oculus DK2 devkit would be handy as well.
In the file, set the variable OCULUS_SDK2 to the directory of your local installation of the Oculus SDK 2. This should then build in QtCreator (on Mac OS X Yosemite at least, but will probably work in previous versions).