Optimizing compiler for the small and simple programming language smpl
. You can find EBNF here for the language specifics. Lexer is implemeted to support a recursive descent parser that parses the language into a dynamic datas structure. Then, it is converted to SSA-based intermediate representation (IR) with copy propagation and common subespression elimination. Design choices which are specified in the design document are strictly followed.
The compiler supports following features:
- Incomplete dead code elimination
- Unexecuted if/while statement
- Unused variables
- Uncalled functions
- Constant folding
- Copy propagation
- Common subexpression elimination
- Coverting to SSA-based IR
- Graph representation of IR
- Setup Python environment
$ pipenv install
- Compile
$ pipenv run -- python3 src/main.py -g {input file} {output dir}
You can see graph view of a generated IR in output dir
SMPL code
array[10] arr;
var i, length;
var j;
var result;
function min(element1, element2);
var tmp;
let tmp <- 0;
if element1 > element2
then let tmp <- element2
else let tmp <- element1
return tmp;
function max(element1, element2);
var tmp;
let tmp <- 0;
if element1 > element2
then let tmp <- element1
else let tmp <- element2
return tmp;
let length <- 10;
let i <- 0;
while i < 10 do
let arr[i] <- call InputNum();
let i <- i + 1
let i <- 0;
let j <- 0;
while i < (length - 1) do
while j < (length - i - 1) do
if arr[j] > arr[j + 1]
let arr[j] <- call min(arr[j], arr[j + 1]);
let arr[j + 1] <- call max(arr[j], arr[j + 1]);
let j <- j + 1;
let i <- i + 1;
let i <- 0;
let result <- 1;
while i < 10 do
if arr[i] > arr[i + 1]
then let result <- 0
let i <- i + 1;
call OutputNum(result);
return 0;
While implementing it, I got a great help from professor Michael Franz's Compiler lectures.