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[TODO]: General description of the library


libDori can be used directly in a C++ project or or with the provided shell scripts and good old Unix IO redirection.

  • CLI:

    The code for the command line programs can be found in the cli folder. They are built on top of the C++ library and expose in a convenient way three of the basic features of libDori: Cardinality, Frequent items and Sampling.

    • Cardinality: [Todo]

    • Frequent Items: [Todo]

    • Sampling: [Todo]

    Run cmd --help for more information.

  • C++ API

    Meanwhile a full API documentation is being developed this can be used as a first contact with the library and its interfaces.

    • Cardinality:

      // ICardinality is the interface for all the cardinality estimators.
      // The algorithms implemented are: DummyCounter, HyperLogLog, KMV and Recordinality
      dori::stream::ICardinality* estimator = new dori::stream::HyperLogLog(size);
      // Process each of the elements with the offer method
      std::string element;
      while (file >> element)
          // If you have the elements already hashed you can use the
          // offerHash(hash) method instead
      // The cardinality mehtod offers an estiamtion of the real cardinality of the stream
      std::cout << "Cardinality: " << estimator->cardinality() << std::endl;
      // The elementsOffered is a simple counter of how many elements had been offered
      std::cout << "Total elements: " << estimator->elementsOffered() << std::endl;
    • Membership:

          // The bloom filter constructor take two params: 
          // - Number of distinct elements expected
          // - Probability of failure
          auto bf = dori::stream::BloomFilter(3000, 0.01);
          // We insert each one of the elements to the bloom filter
          std::string element;
          while (file >> element)
          // At any moment we can ask if one element has been inserted or not in the 
          // BloomFilter (False means always No, meanwhile yes has some failure probabilty) 
    • Frequency: [TODO]

Quick start

  • Binaries:

    Pre-compiled binaries can be found on the downloads page (well, not yet).

  • Build from source:

    First, you must download the libDori code from our Git repository.

    To clone the project from Git, cd to a suitable location and run

    git clone

    This will clone the entire contents of the repository. You can check out to the current development branch if you want to use the last stable version.

    To update the project from within the project's folder, you can run the following command:

    git pull

    Once you have downloaded the source code, you can cd into the source code directory and build and install libDori with

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    # it install the files under /usr/local
    make install

    You can test the installation compiling test.cpp:

    #include <dori.hpp>
    int main() {
        dori::stream::ICardinality* estimator = new dori::stream::HyperLogLog(64);

    Compile test.cpp with the follow command:

    clang++ -I /usr/local/include/libDori -o test test.cpp -lDori -std=c++11

    You should now be able to run ./test without any problem.


First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute!

Now, take a moment to be sure your contributions make sense to everyone else and please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.

Issue tracker

Found a problem? Want a new feature? First of all see if your issue or idea has already been reported. If it hasn't, just open a new clear and descriptive issue.


LibDori is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.