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File metadata and controls

382 lines (305 loc) · 14.9 KB


Plugins are nice, but giving users a way to customize how the plugin work is better. Powercord provides a module dedicated to allowing users customize the plugin's behavior.

The basics

Limits & constrains

Each plugin has a maximum quota of 2048KB for its settings storage. This is to ensure plugins cannot go wild and eat user's disk space. If you attempt to do a set operation that'd exceed the quota, an Error will be thrown. The size is computed based on the compressed JSON representation of all the settings.

Settings are also limited to types that can be stored as JSON. Symbols, functions, bigints, sets, maps aren't supported. If you attempt to store an unsupported data structure, an Error will be thrown.

A key cannot contain *, and cannot start with 2 underscores (__). Those are reserved for internal use.

Key naming and complex structures

Setting keys can only be strings, but it doesn't mean you have to give up complex structures. Just like in pure JavaScript, you can dig (or build) structures used our beloved . character. For example, take the following structure:

Example settings data
  "test": true,
  "badges": {
    "enabled": true,
    "color": "#7289da",
    "types": {
      "a": 0

Getting test or badges seem easy enough, but getting a may not be as pretty. You may be tempted to get badges, then grab it in code, the classic way. While it works, it causes 2 problems:

  • When you'll use it within a React component, you'll get unnecessary updates due to fields you don't use
  • To set, you need to pass the entire object

Instead, you can use the badges.types.a key, and Powercord will automatically work its way out. It'll also do optional chaining for you, or when doing a set operation generate the whole tree if needed.

warn If you try to use an invalid key (Starting or ending with a dot or with multiple chained dots (..)), an Error will be thrown.

Registering settings

This step is not strictly required, but strongly recommended. It allows for Powercord to know what can be configured in your plugin and it's used internally to automatically build a settings UI, as well as adding shortcuts in the context menu of the setting wheel (the thing you click to open settings. Didn't know it existed? You're welcome). It also lets you specify default values for all your settings in a single, central place instead of spread around in the getters.

Quick example for registering settings
import { Plugin } from '@powercord/core'
import { registerSettings } from '@powercord/settings'
// Note: @powercord/settings is unavailable in DevTools

class HelloWorld extends Plugin {
  pluginStart () {
      entries: [
          key: 'mySetting',

info Each plugin can only have a single settings UI. Attempting to register twice will just override previously set data.

Because the registration of all the settings also includes setting up the logic for validation, the documentation will look a bit verbose but it's not very complicated.

Basic entry properties

  • label: Label shown in settings and other places. Required.
  • type: The type of the value. Required.
  • note: The note (description if you prefer) shown in settings. Inline markdown will be formatted.
  • default: The default value for the setting. Affects the settings UI and calls to getSetting.
  • noSync: Set to true if you want to exclude that setting from Settings Sync.


Each entry must have a valid type to it, so Powercord can generate the appropriate setting field for it and other internal purposes.

Some types allows you to customize how the user can input the value through additional properties you can set to the setting entry object. They are documented below for each concerned datatype.


All of the string types allow you to specify an options properties to the setting entry, turning it into a select or a set field. Otherwise, the user will be prompted with a classic text input. Each option is an object that with a name property and a value property, that both are self explanatory.

If you want a radio field, you can set the radio property to true in the settings entry object. For radios, the options accept 2 additional properties: color and description.


A basic string, just like all of the others. You can specify a minimum length and/or a maximum length by setting a min and/or a max to the setting entry object.


A glorified string input that only accepts valid URLs. Prevents you from validating it manually.


All of the numerical types allow you to specify a set of properties to the setting entry to customize the basic validation rules and the way the input displays. By default, the field looks like a classic text input.

  • min and max: Allows you to set boundaries to the value.
  • slider: A boolean that indicates if the field should be presented as a slider. Requires having boundaries set.
  • markers: An array of numbers to add markers to the slider. Ignored if slider isn't set to true.
  • stick: Only allow values specified in markers. Requires at least 2 markers. Ignored if slider isn't set to true.

A basic integer. Nothing more to say about it.

warn min, max and entries in markers must all be integers.


A basic IEEE 754 64-bit floating point number with a 53 bits mathematical significand. Also known simply as a float.



A basic boolean. Classic, nothing more to say.


A color field, which will always return a color in the rgb(a) form. You can add alpha: true to the setting entry object to get a picker that allows for setting the opacity.


All types but boolean can be declined to arrays simply by adding [] to the type (e.g.: string[]). You can specify a max length by specifying an integer in the brackets (e.g.: string[3]).

Validation rules will be ran for each entry individually by default. You can request the entire array by setting the validateBulk property on the verification rule object to true.


The type category is a specific type of field that allows you to have a collapsible category in your settings UI, which can help de-clutter your page and make the settings less scary for users.

For this type, the default key is unused. You must specify an entries properties, that just behaves the same as the root entries property of registerSettings.

Data validation

While the built-in types bring some degree of validation, you sometimes want to also have a more specific validation. For this purpose, you can specify an array or rules in validationRules that Powercord will use to validate user input.

Each rule consists of 2 properties: a rule property that receives the user input and must return a boolean (keeping in mind behavior for truthy and falsy values), and a message property specifying the error message to display to the user if the check fails.

Example of setting entry with data validation
import { Plugin } from '@powercord/core'
import { registerSettings } from '@powercord/settings'

class HelloWorld extends Plugin {
  pluginStart () {
      entries: [
          key: 'mySetting',
          type: 'url',
          validationRules: [
              rule: (value) => new URL(value).hostname === '',
              message: 'URL must be on'
              rule: (value) => !new URL(value).pathname.startsWith('/backoffice'),
              message: 'Admin endpoints are protected'

info For plugins doing internationalization, if you set the message field to Messages.MY_STRING, it will not update when the locale is changed. To handle this case, message can be a function returning a string, so for example () => Messages.MY_STRING.

Dynamically enable/disable, show/hide settings

You can specify for each entry an isDisabled function, and an isHidden function. For convenience, isEnabled is also available as well as isVisible for fields that are by default disabled/hidden, however you must not provide both, or an Error will be raised (As Powercord will be unable to decide which one to use).

Functions must return a boolean (keep in mind behavior for truthy and falsy values). The functions cannot be asynchronous, or return a Promise. If they do, the result will always be truthy.

info Make sure the footprint of those functions is minimal. Having methods that take a while to execute will result in a laggy settings panel.

Basic read & write

Reading and writing is so easy that you'll just get the code for it:

Example read & write
import { getSetting, setSetting } from '@powercord/settings'

// We assume here no default value has been defined

console.log(getSetting('setting.key')) // ~> undefined
console.log(getSetting('setting.key', 'uwu')) // ~> "uwu"
setSetting('setting.key', 'owo')
console.log(getSetting('setting.key', 'uwu')) // ~> "owo"

// If you need to update setting based on its previous value
// (e.g: toggling a boolean), you can pass a function to
// setSetting, to avoid race conditions
setSetting('test.key', (v) => !v)

// You can even supply a default value if necessary, just like in get:
setSetting('test.key', (v) => !v, true) // ~> sets to false

Within React components

Within components, the use of the classic getSetting and/or setSetting is discouraged. Instead, you should use the useSetting hook. This will allow your component to immediately update when a change occurs, without having to craft the whole logic around it. The hook behaves similarly to useState, except it takes the setting key as parameter.

Example use of useSetting hook
import React from 'react'
import { useSetting } from '@powercord/settings'

export default function MyComponent () {
  // You can specify a default value, just like in classic get.
  const [ value, setValue ] = useSetting('key')

  return (
    <p>The value of the <code>key</code> setting is {value}!</p>

Clear settings

If you want to delete a setting and go back to the default, you can simply set that setting to undefined, using setSetting.

If you want to purge all settings, you can use purgeSettings. Be careful with this function, there is no going back!

Subscribe to changes

Plugins can listen to changes using the SettingsDispatcher object exported by @powercord/settings. It's useful to handle cases where you need to execute a piece of code, or change some bits that aren't React components where useSetting would handle everything for you. Also, fun fact useSetting actually uses the SettingsDispatcher internally. Crazy!

warn Unlike injections, this does not clean up automatically. You must unsubscribe yourself!

Subscribe & unsubscribe to changes
import { SettingsDispatcher } from '@powercord/settings'

function handler (key, previous, next) {
  console.log(`Setting ${key} was updated from ${previous} to ${next}!`)

SettingsDispatcher.subscribe('settingKey', handler)


SettingsDispatcher.unsubscribe('settingKey', handler)

You can also subscribe to *, which will be fired whenever any setting is updated. The key value will still be the name of the setting node that has been updated.

For cases where a structure is updated, the event will bubble up, so parent nodes will receive the update too. This is useful for when you want to observe an entire structure. Just like for the * event, the key value will still be the name of the setting node that has been updated.

info While the events bubble up, they don't bubble down to children. Refer to the examples below.

Example deep structure
  "owo": 1,
  "a": {
    "uwu": 2,
    "b": {
      "c": 5
Example deep structure update 1
import { setSetting, SettingsDispatcher } from '@powercord/settings'

setSetting('a.b.c', 1337)
// "a.b.c" emitted with: key = a.b.c, previous = 5, next = 1337
// "a.b" emitted with: key = a.b.c, previous = 5, next = 1337
// "a" emitted with: key = a.b.c, previous = 5, next = 1337
// "*" emitted with: key = a.b.c, previous = 5, next = 1337
Example deep structure update 2
import { setSetting, SettingsDispatcher } from '@powercord/settings'

setSetting('a.b', { c: 1337 })
// "a.b" emitted with: key = a.b, previous = { c: 5 }, next = { c: 1337 }
// "a" emitted with: key = a.b, previous = { c: 5 }, next = { c: 1337 }
// "*" emitted with: key = a.b, previous = { c: 5 }, next = { c: 1337 }

Behavior for setting deletion/purge

When you delete a simple setting using the method described above, the new value passed in the event handler is the default value if it was specified in registerSettings. Otherwise, it will be undefined.

For settings purges, the event is dispatched to all currently subscribed handlers. For complex structures, the behavior will be the same as if an update was dispatched to the key you are subscribed to. You will not receive events for children, as events don't bubble down.

danger Settings purges can be requested by the user, so make sure your event handlers play nicely with this behavior.

Create a UI

You can decide to use a custom UI for your settings page, and build it from scratch to have more control over it, or add additional decoration like a preview. This is done in registerSettings:

Use a custom UI
import { registerSettings } from '@powercord/settings'
import Settings from './Settings'

  ui: Settings,
  entries: [ ... ]

The component will replace the one Powercord would have used. However, if you just want to add a preview no worries! You can still get the UI Powercord would have inserted using children. To ensure Powercord stays speedy and don't render useless things, the children is a function you need to call (so it's only rendering when needed).

Example re-use of the automatic settings UI
import React from 'react'

function Preview () {
  return (
    <div className='my-amazing-preview'>

export default function Settings ({ children }) {
  return (