Caching support for Yii2 widgets
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
php composer.phar require pozitronik/yii2-cachedwidget "dev-master"
or add
"pozitronik/yii2-cachedwidget": "dev-master"
to the require section of your composer.json
Yii2, PHP >= 7.2.0
Once the extension is installed, simply inherit any widgets from pozitronik\widgets\CachedWidget
class instead of yii\base\Widget
in your code.
CachedWidget has redefined render()
method, that stores all rendered views in Yii2 global cache (with nested widgets, if its called in view file).
Widget handles correctly Yii2 view assets and inline resources, like js/css files or inline code inclusion.
Caching is disabled by default within YII_ENV_DEV environment (see $disable property).
class MyWidget extends \pozitronik\widgets\CachedWidget {
// it is all, mostly