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Mina lore.

Born on the 11th of June, 19 years old as of writing this.

Her favorite color is green. Perhaps that’s her coping mechanism for being born with green hair.

She's a laid-back girl who's happy with what she has. While she does have dreams and wishes too, she doesn't think of them as goals she has to achieve in order to be happy and content with her life. Furthermore, she doesn't worry about how others perceive or think of her, for her happiness should not be relying on things she can't directly control.

A couple of years ago she moved from an expensive apartment in Japan into a flat in a small rural town in Germany. She mostly speaks English, however she's also fluent in German. That explains her appearance, why she hates crowded areas, loves food (especially meat and sweets) and how she was able to accumulate a lot of slurs, curse words and other expressions from German, which she tends to use sparingly to catch someone by surprise.

Another thing she likes to eat and that starts with an M is mint. She likes mint-related or -flavored things, like chocolate-mint ice cream and especially gum. She always keeps a pack of gum in her pocket and can sometimes be seen trying (and failing) to make a large gum bubble. Her personal best is a bubble that's a centimeter in diameter.

Mina cares about her appearance a lot and wants her clothing to express herself well. Her articles of clothing should complement each other too.
To stay somewhat consistent in that regard, she usually limits herself to two different color combinations. Most of the time, she can be seen wearing dark grey or black clothing with some green accents here and there. For more special occasions, she might try going for lavender, pastels and white.

She has trouble committing to things and often does everything but what she originally set out to do. Mina might say she’s gonna do this today, but will do something else entirely instead. She might catch up on doing the original thing another time, unannounced.
Perhaps it would be better if she just said “I’m not gonna do this today” instead…?

After she lost a lot of her data due to lax safety measures on her online accounts, she started to care a lot more about privacy and likes to piss her friends off by telling them to use alternatives to various “free” services tied to a single account offered by a certain company that starts with G. She just doesn’t want the same thing to happen to them like they did to her years ago.

She’s friends with a couple people she met on… Discourse. A sketchy chat app that had to sneak its way out of copyright infringement cases a few times already.
Essentially, one thing led to another and now she’s part of a group with these people who all make art of some kind.
It’s still a little odd to Mina that some mystic fox is walking the same earth as her, but she learned to just accept it and not question any further where the other 8 tails of said fox usually hide.

As an artist herself, she occasionally finds herself selling logo designs to people on the internet for too much money. Most of the time though she likes to think about architecture and decorating her flat’s interior. She has a drawing for every room (and even rooms she doesn’t have) and how she wants them to look, but often goes on to revise or even redraw them from scratch. It’s her dream to one day earn enough as an architect or carpenter to move out of her small flat into a house that she designed, with spaces dedicated to her work and full of furniture she designed.

However she likes spending money just as much, so that might take a while.