Bingenow is an application to stream movies and tv shows for free. The streaming happens through a third-party service, so this application would be essentially an interface to consume the media.
Although the streaming service will be provided through a third party, to enchance the user experience, this application will have its own backend to persist data like watchlist, watch history etc.
The following are the technologies used.
- UI Library - React with typescript
- State management and caching - React query
- Styling - TailwindCSS/MUI
- Build tool - webpack
- Backend Repo
- Server - Node.js with express (TypeScript)
- Database - MongoDB
- API - GraphQL
- Authentication - Firebase
- Vercel for frontend
- AWS Lambda for backend
- AWS API Gateway
This project is in a beginner stage with a room for lots of improvements, hence I'm looking for some help in maintaining the project, developing features, components and the UI. I believe the tech stack is pretty interesting and there's an amazing opportunity to learn and build great things here. If you're a beginner or an expert in the field of web development, there are numerous opportunities for everyone. I aim to keep this project more collaborative and fun. So, if you're a movie/series buff or a coding geek in general, and would like to build a platform to stream movies/tv shows for free, fell free to contribute to this project. Kindly read the guildelines for contributing to this repository.