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Prashant Shah edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 7 revisions

Q1. How to use a custom currency format option ?

Step 1. Add a entry for your custom format in app/Plugin/Webzash/View/Helper/GenericHelper.php in the currency_format_options() function return array.

Step 2. Add a function that returns the number in the exact format that you want in the end of the app/Plugin/Webzash/Config/currency.php file.

Step 3. Add a case option for your custom format in app/Plugin/Webzash/Config/currency.php in the curreny_format() function switch statement. The case option name should match the one specified in the above Step 1 and the return function name should match the one specified in the above Step 2.

Step 4. If you have already created the account, then you will have to go to Settings > Account settings and select the new currency format.

Q2. How to add account name and address in printed reports.

You need to modify the files in app/Plugin/Webzash/View/Reports/print and use the following functions

<?php echo Configure::read(''); ?>
<?php echo Configure::read('Account.address'); ?>
<?php echo Configure::read(''); ?>

Q3. What to do if I forget my administrator password

In the file app/Plugin/Webzash/Config/config.php uncomment the following line and reload the login page. Once done comment out the same line.

Configure::write('Webzash.ResetAdminPassword', 'YES PLEASE');

Q4. How to add keyboard shortcuts

Webzash has in-built support for Mousetrap javascript library. You can add custom keyboard shortcuts by editing the "app/Plugin/Webzash/View/Elements/shortcuts.ctp" file.

Q5. How to install on Nginx

Kindly refer this issue :