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The following repository contains source code for a 100 Day personal machine learning coding challenge. It contains projects that I do as a part of my learning

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The following repository contains source code for various machine learning and deep learning projects or frameworks I tried my hands on.

Day 1 : Contains code for Wine Quality Dataset

Day 2 : FashionMNIST dataset using DNN

Day 3 : Object Detection using OpenCV

Day 4 : LinearClassifier Model for Titanic Dataset using TF

Day 5 : NER on Annotated NER dataset from Kaggle using LSTM.

Day 6 : Neural Network Visualiser Web App

Day 7 : Fashion MNIST using Convolution Neural Networks

Day 8 : Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning using BERT

Day 9 : Hyper Parameter Tuning using Optuna, Titanic Dataset using RandomForestClassifier and Pima Indian Diabetes Classification

Day 10 : Face recognition of Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Mukesh Ambani using face_recogniton and openCV

Day 11 : Charity Donation Prediction and Sentiment Analysis using VADER

Day 12 : Document Retrieval System using Naive TF-IDF

Day 13 : Pika Pika : Pokemon Classification using VGG16

Day 14 : Pima Indian Diabetes Classification using Deep Learning

Day 15 : Movie Box-Office Collection prediction using DecisionTreeRegressor and Movie Start-Tech Oscar prediction using DecisionTreeClassifier

Day 16 : Movie Start-Tech Oscar prediction using Bagging, RandomForestClassifier,GradientBoostingClassifier,AdaBoost and XGBoost and GridSearchCV

Day 17 : Basic (Beginner Model) Image to Sketch Converter using cv2, imageio and plain python.

Day 18 : Titanic Survival (Cleaned Dataset) Prediction using Decision Trees

Day 19 : Web Scraping using BeautifulSoup - Created a dataset of Premiere League Scores from 2000-2019.

Day 20 : Created a dataset of GOT episodes using BeautifulSoup

Day 21 : Fake news classifier using transformers (MHW20) using 2 different methods.

Day 22 : Hyperparameter Optimization Templates for Tree Classifier on Mobile Price Classification dataset namely GridSearchCV,RandomSearchCV,gp_minimize,hyperopt and optuna

Day 23 : Detecting whether a mail is spam or ham using Bert and Pytorch

Day 24 : Regular Expressions Basics

Pending : Bag of Words meet Bag of Popcorns


The following repository contains source code for a 100 Day personal machine learning coding challenge. It contains projects that I do as a part of my learning




