// Change URL to point to your favourite NTP server
auto connection = co_await pc::ntp::Connection::make_connection("in.pool.ntp.org");
// Get Time as Unix Epoch
std::uint32_t time_s = co_await connection.TimeFromUnixEpoch();
std::cout << "Time is " << time_s;
It is that easy.
We are utilising Asio Standalone and using the latest and greatest Coroutines to simplify the code.
Without coroutines of any form, be it Boost.Coroutine or others, the code would be full of callbacks and would be almost unreadable,
at least for mere mortals such as yours truly.
ntp::Packet sendPacket;
// Set li = 0, vn = 3, and mode = 3
sendPacket.li_vn_mode = 0b00100011;
co_await connection.Packet(sendPacket);
Where connection is a connection object
ntp::Packet const packet = connection.co_await Packet();
udp::resolver resolver{executor};
endpoint_t receiver_endpoint =
*(co_await resolver.async_resolve(protocol, host, "ntp", use_awaitable));
Your friendly neighbourhood Asio code to resolve UDP sockets
ntp::Connection connection{executor,
And your friendly neighhbourhood constructor
For further details, you can contact me via LinkedIn