replacebot is an IRC bot written in Go that provides a Vim/Perl/Sed-like regex replacement syntax.
The is, whenever a user enters "s/regex/replacement/flags", their previous message will be replaced using the regex and flags.
Input is of the form "s/regex[/replacement[/flags]]", where replacement, flags, and their associated slashes are optional. The input allows escaped slashes (/) in the regex or replacement.
Supported flags:
- 'i' (ignore case)
- 'g' (global replace)
The defaults are case sensitive and single replacement.
The user's regex is compiled by Go's regexp package, which supports re2 syntax. See these sites for specifics on the regex format.
Conversations will go something like this:
<awesomeguy>: 321 Go!
<lameguy>: I'm winning!
<awesomeguy>: s/\d+/Go Go
<replacebot>: <awesomeguy>: Go Go Go!
replacebot should build like a standard go application, within your GOPATH
go get