##A 32-bit MIPS simulator prototype built using Java. The minimal architecture simulator can perform MIPS instructions and can execute uploaded codes successfully.
MIPS SIMULATOR The user interface for the simulator looks as follows: STEP 1: Type the instructions in the following format in the textfield and press “add instruction”. All the added instructions will appear in “Instructions” text area. MIPS SIMULATOR
STEP 2: Select the required register and memory.
STEP 3: Type the run cycle value and press “Run” button for the simulator execution. The run results with respect to Fetch, decode, execute, memory and write back cycles will be displayed in their respective fields of the simulator. MIPS SIMULATOR
For Step-wise: After adding all the instructions, press “Step” button as required. Each time you press, the result will appear in the respective fields of fetch, decode, execute, memory and write back cycles. For the two-line instruction entered in the simulator, the following will be the result while pressing the “Step” button. First step: