A key value store database in Javascript, in development stage.
Run the following command in the terminal to get started with it:
node repl.js
To exit, hit CTRL+C
Note: keys should be in double quotes, and should be valid JSON strings. Values should be in JSON format.
Inserts values into the db
insert "name" "Neethu Mohandas"
insert "books" ["Kite Runner", "Gone with the wind", "Uncle Tom's cabin"]
insert "address" { "place": "Indiranagar, 19th main, 4th cross", "building":2698}
insert "address.Pin" 560008
Updates values in the db
update "name" "Anitha Mohandas"
update "address.building" 2699
Deletes values from the db
delete "name"
delete "address.place"
Shows a specific key's value
show "address.place"
show "books"
Checks if a key exists in the db
keyExists "books"
keyExists "address.place"
Lists all data in db
Saves all data to the file
- Neethu Mohandas - Initial work - prayaganeethu
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details