Prometheus Exporter for Jibri written in Go. Special thanks to Systemli
team since this project is based on Prometheus-jitsi-meet-exporter repository.
There's only one GET endpoint to check the status of jibri (like /jibri/api/v1.0/health); you can configure the used URL with the jibri-status-url
The exporter will handle it.
go get
go install
docker run -p 9889:9889 --network <jitsi_network> prayagsingh/prometheus-jibri-exporter:latest -jibri-status-url http://<jibri_container_name OR jibri_container_ip>:2222/jibri/api/v1.0/health
Please select the tag as per your requirement. The output of v1.2.0 and v1.3.0 is different
# HELP jibri_busystatus It check the status of the jibri whether BUSY, IDLE.
# TYPE jibri_busystatus gauge
jibri_busystatus IDLE
# HELP jibri_healthstatus It check the health status of the jibri whether HEALTHY or not.
# TYPE jibri_healthstatus gauge
jibri_healthstatus HEALTHY
v1.3.0 Here IDLE is 0, HEALTHY is 1, BUSY is 1 and UNHEALTHY is 0
# HELP jibri_busystatus It check the status of the jibri whether BUSY, IDLE.
# TYPE jibri_busystatus gauge
jibri_busystatus 0
# HELP jibri_healthstatus It check the health status of the jibri whether HEALTHY or not.
# TYPE jibri_healthstatus gauge
jibri_healthstatus 1