CigarBase is an application designed for Aficionados - true cigar enthusiasts. Thanks to it, cigar lovers can not only discover new cigars and flavors, but also share their experiences with other enthusiasts by adding their own ratings and reviews. Additionally, the app allows users to build their cigar collection based on reliable community opinions. CigarBase provides comprehensive support in exploring the fascinating world of cigars, enabling users to appreciate the diversity and richness of this unique realm.
- Users can add cigars to the library with detailed parameters such as name, size, filler, binder, wrapper, country of origin, strength, and manufacturer.
- Dynamic sorting and filtering options based on user preferences.
- Ability for logged-in users to rate cigars on a scale of 0 to 100 points.
- User account creation with customizable profiles.
- User-generated content including reviews, comments, and tasting notes.
- Streamlined interface for admin to add and manage cigars with moderation capabilities.
- Automated approval process for new cigar additions.
- Basic front-end design and layout to provide an intuitive user experience.
- Gamification elements such as badges, achievements, and leaderboards.
- Premium membership tiers with exclusive benefits for loyal users.
Cigar Full Name (required)
- Text field
Size (optional)
- Length and thickness (text field)
Filler (optional)
- Predefined select
Binder (optional)
- Predefined select
Wrapper (optional)
- Predefined select
Country (optional)
- Predefined select
Strength (optional)
- Predefined select
Made By (optional)
- Text field with suggestions
Cigar Description (optional)
- Text field, up to 2000 characters
Sort by Each Column
- Downwards, upwards (default view by best-rated cigars by external ratings)
Filter by
- Predefined select (parent for sort by)
- Scale from 0 to 100 points
- Username (required)
- Name (optional)
- Surname (optional)
- Email (required)
- Password (required)
- Nationality (optional)
- Phone (optional)
- Cigars adding by admin with all parameters (publish/unpublish)
- Moderated acceptance of adding a new cigar
- Cigars Collection by User:
- 3 favourite cigars (showcase similar to Steam app showcase)
- Smoked cigars sorted in order: best rated, last added
- Cigars wish to smoke in order (wishlist): best rated by external rating (Cigar Aficionado, Cigar Journal, other), last added
- Total smoked cigars
- Total smoked cigar models
- Total reviewed cigars
- Add comment to user profile by other logged-in user
- Added by admin or user for main product description