- Neha Khairnar- nehak2209pc@gmail.com
- Prasanna Waghmode - prasannawaghmode@gmail.com
- Prerna Shelke - prernashelke01@gmail.com
- Vaishnavi Jarwal - vaishnavijarwal31@gmail.com
- Palak Mantry
- Saif Kazi
Now-a-days we see that Salon can be called at your doorsteps, Taxi arrives in your yard, Food can be ordered, even plumbers and wireman can be called at your home via app.....!!! and the list goes on Yet one of the vital, UNIVERSAL problem is left unmanaged and that is Maid, in our typical language KAMWALIBAI. JUST IMAGINE......!!! Won't it be great if maid would come at our doorsteps on a single click? and the most wonderful part would be if we could get the BAI who is skilled at particular work... then it can be tougher jobs like baby sitting, nursing, or the other household chores. WOW..!!! there won't be any arguments neither any 'chik-chik' related to work. We the CRYPTO WARRIORS think that in this world where it is more easier to launch a MISSILE then to find a KAMWALIBAI vow to take a step to complete this MISSION IMPOSSIBLE...
Get_Maid is the flutter based app which helps the person to find the maid in easier way. It has the features like registration of both customer and maid, well distinguished categories of all the household chores and the profiles of both maid as well as customer. The data of maids is extracted from firebase and displayed on the screen and it is also categorised according to the category chosen by the maid. The profile building is done by using the unique id of user to get data of user from the firebase. The customer can save the maid if he wants to appoint that maid by just pressing the save button.
- Screenshots
- GitHub repo link: ![Link to repository] (https://github.com/preranashelke/get_maid)
- Drive link: ![Drive link here] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G6_kM6G92sUs4UPhozEpbKNYWcm1dFXQ/view?usp=sharing)
- Demo video: ![Drive link here] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GAwWDkzzA2KMJeEMtsRtmcMgrg71QY3w/view?usp=sharing)
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the apk can be installed from this
- Flutter SDK
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/preranashelke/get_maid
- install the apk or
flutter install
- Chat corner for maid and customer
- Tracking of maid and customization of app according to user