Or simply deplex, is an open-source cross-platform C++ library specifically designed for highly optimized plane extraction from RGB-D images. The library also comes with prebuilt Python package.
Plane segmentation algorithm is based on the article: P. Proenca and Y. Gao, Fast Cylinder and Plane Extraction from Depth Cameras for Visual Odometry, IROS, 2018
Technically you don't need any! Library depends only on Eigen3 for math operations and fetches it automatically with CMake scripts.
We also provide Python bindings for building cross-platfrom Python wheels. As well as main library, package depends only on numpy.
from deplex import PlaneExtractor, Config
from deplex.utils import DepthImage
camera_intrinsics = [[fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0, 0, 1]]
image = DepthImage("sample_depth.png")
config = Config("custom_config.ini")
runner = PlaneExtractor(image.height, image.width, config=config)
labels = runner.process(image.transform_to_pcd(camera_intrinsics))
To build a library from source you need C++14 compatible compiler and CMake 3.18+
cmake -B build -<options>
cmake --build build
See CMakeLists.txt to find available options.
Our library is available as lightweight Python-wheel package. Simply install it with pip.
python3 -m pip install deplex
Supported Python versions: 3.6-3.10 Supported platfrom: Linux, macOS and Windows
Apache License, Version 2.0