Create the EthereumDB containing data residing on the Ethereum blockchain. Database management system: SQLite.
- Connect to Infura (or run a local node).
- Uncomment and specify the path in
#uncomment one of the options below
# 1. connection via Infura
#web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(""))
# 2. or connection via local node
#web3 = Web3(Web3.IPCProvider('/your-path-to/geth.ipc'))
- execute:
Database consists of 3 tables:
- Quick: most relevant transaction info for quick access & analysis
- TX: all remainder transaction info
- Block: block-specific info
Quick | TX | Block |
'from'/'sender', 'to'/'recipient', 'value', 'nonce', 'blockNumber', 'txHash', 'balanceTo', 'balanceFrom' | 'blockNumber', 'gas', 'gasPrice', 'input', 'transactionIndex', 'v', 'r', 's', 'contractAddress', 'cumulativeGasUsed', 'gasUsed', 'logs', 'logsBloom', 'status', 'transactionHash' | 'difficulty', 'extraData', 'gasLimit', 'blockGasUsed', 'blockHash', 'blockLogsBloom', 'miner', 'mixHash', 'blockNonce', 'blockNumber', 'parentHash', 'receiptsRoot', 'sha3Uncles', 'size', 'stateRoot', 'timestamp', 'totalDifficulty', 'transactions', 'transactionsRoot', 'uncles' |
Variable | Meaning |
sender | 160-bit address of a sender of a transaction |
recipient | address of the recipient or null for a contract creation transaction |
value | number of wei to be transfered to the recipient or newly created account (case of contract creation) |
nonce | number of transactions/contract creations sent by the sender prior to this one |
blockNumber | number of the block the transaction belongs to (PRIMARY KEY) |
txHash | transaction hash (unique identifier) |
balanceTo | balance of the recipient after that transaction (note: different than balance from web3 which is after all tx-s in the block) |
balanceFrom | balance of the sender after that particular transaction (note: different than balance from web3 which is after all tx-s in the block) |
Variable | Meaning |
blockNumber | number of the block the transaction belongs to |
gas | gas consumed by the transaction |
gasPrice | number of Wei to be paid per unit of gas for all computatioon costs of this transaction |
input | the data sent along with the transaction |
transactionIndex | index of the transaction in the block |
v, r, s | used to identify the sender; the signature values of the transaction |
contractAddress | the contract address created, if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null |
cumulativeGasUsed | the sum of gasUsed by this transaction and all preceding transactions in the same block |
gasUsed | the total amount of gas used when this transaction was executed in the block |
logs | array of log objects, which the transaction has generated |
logsBloom | the Bloom filter from indexable info (logger address and log topics) contained in each log entry from the receipt of each transaction in the transaction list |
status | boolean whether the transaction was successfull; false if the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) reverted the transaction |
txHash | transaction hash (unique identifier) (PRIMARY KEY) |
Variable | Meaning |
difficulty | scalar value corresponding to the difficulty level of the block |
extraData | extra data in byte array |
gasLimit | maximum gas expenditure allowed in this block |
blockGasUsed | total gas used by all transactions in this block |
blockHash | hash of the block |
blockLogsBloom | the Bloom filter from indexable info (logger address and log topics) |
miner | 160-bit address for fees collected from successful mining |
mixHash | 256-bit hash, which is combined with the nonce and used to prove that sufficient amount of computation has been carried out on this block |
blockNonce | hash of the generated proof-of-work; null when its a pending block |
blockNumber | scalar value equal to the number of ancestor blocks (genesis block=0) |
parentHash | Keccak256 hash of the parent block's header |
receiptsRoot | Keccak 256-bit hash of the root node of the tree structure populated with receipts of all transactions in this block |
sha3Uncles | SHA3 of the uncles data in the block. |
size | size of the block in bytes |
stateRoot | Keccak256 hash of the root node if the state trie, after all transactions are executed and finalisations applied |
timestamp | Unix's time() at this block's inception |
totalDifficulty | integer of the total difficulty of the chain until this block |
transactions | list of transaction hashes included in the block |
transactionsRoot | Keccak256 hash of the root node of the trie structure populated with the receipts of each transaction in the transactions list |
uncles | list of uncle hashes |
source1 source 2 source 3 source 4 source5
import sqlite3 as sq3
conn = sq3.connect("blockchain.db")
cur = conn.cursor()
# some SQL code, e.g. select first five entries of the table Quick
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Quick LIMIT 5")
a = cur.fetchall() #list of tuples containing all elements of the row