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Javascript - Notes



  • A high level, single threaded, garbage collected, interpreted/ Just-in-Time compiled, prototye based, multi-paradigm, dynamic language with a non-blocking event loop.

  • Excellent in handling IO intensive jobs

  • It's standard implementation is called ECMASCRIPT

  • The default language in web browsers. The only code that run snatively in a browser.

  • A scripting language : you can run some code on the fly by opening console (dev tools) in the browser

Js Engine

  • The Js engine under the hood of the browser is called V8

  • Makes Js run extremely fast by taking your code and converting it to a machine code with a process called JIT compilation

Js file

  • extension : .js

  • Code executes from the global context

  • Console :log to log a value with the built-in debugger



  • Can run js files in a frontend browser or a backend node.js server as the runtime.

  • In browser, you can reference it with a script tag (using src attribute)

    <script src="app.js"></script>
  • In website, Js is used to grab a element from the dom.

    <!-- <button>click me</button> - HTML-->

Variable Types

  • Document query selector will grab the HTML element.

  • We can assign it to the variable with any of the following types :

    • var - original way to assign but avoided

      var btn = document.querySelector('button');
    • let - for variables that can be reassigned

      let btn = document.querySelector('button');
      let luckyNum = 23;
    • const - for variables that cannot be reassigned

      const btn = document.querySelector('button');

Lexical Environment

  • Determines where variables work and where they don't

  • Scopes:

    • Global Scope

    • Local Scope

    • Block Scope

    let a = 'global';
    function func() {
        let a = 'local';
        if (true) {
            let a = 'block';
            var b = 'hoisted'; <!-- hoisted up to the local scope -->

Primitive Data Types

  • Js is dynamically typed, so you dont have to specify the data type during declaration.

  • Types :

    • string

    • number

    • bigint

    • boolean

    • undefined

    • symbol

    • null

  • Default value for any datatype is undefined.

Event Listener

  • To make HTML element interactive, define a function for the event

    btn.onclick() = function() { 
    <!-- or -->
    btn.onclick() = () => {
  • The event loop will execute this function whenever the event occurs

Data Structures


  • Dynamic collection of indexed items
    const list = ['foo','bar']


  • Hold collection of unique items

    const uniq = new Set(list)
    const uniq2 = new WeakSet(list) //garbage collected set


  • Holds a key:value pair
    const dict = Map([
        ['foo': 1],
        ['bar': 2]
    const dict2 = WeakMap([
        ['foo': 1],
        ['bar': 2]


  • first class objects to support functional programming patterns

    const fun = () => 'functional programming patterns'

Function Definition

  • When function keyword is used, it signifies function definition

    function fun() {

this - keyword

  • A keyword that references an object based on how a function has called.

  • If called globally references to window

    function hello(){
        console.log(this)       //person
    const person = {}
    hello.bind(person)  //bind a function to random object

Pass by value and Pass by reference

  • Pass by value : copy of the object is sent

  • Pass by reference : Mutates the same object as it is

    const num = 26
    const obj = new Object()
    somefunc = (num,obj)
    // If argument is primitive like num it is passed as value ( copy is sent )
    // If argument is object it is stored in the heap and its passed by reference ( mutating same obj )

Classes and inheritance

  • to support Object Oriented Patterns

    class Humanoid {
        constructor() {
            this.dna = 'hi';
        walk() {
            console.log('going for a walk')
  • Even though, it is single threaded it can work asynchronously with Promise API which also supports the async wait.

    const wait = new Promise((resolve, reject)) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            resolve('thank you for waiting');
    async function pausableFunc() {
        await longRunningJob();

Running on server

  • Js code can also run on server (using node.js runtime)

  • Instead of buttons on webpage, it interacts with things like file system API

    import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
    readFile('./sample.txt', 'utf-8');
  • To execute code on server, run the command on terminal

    node app.js



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