For a better introduction, see my portefolio
- Main languages: Lua, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS3, HTML5
- Other languages: Bash, C, C++, Haskell, SQL, GraphQL
- Testing: mutation (stryker), property (fast-check), integration (playwright)
- Frameworks: React, React Native/Expo, Node, Next, Gatsby, Vite
- Functional programming
- Git, CI/CD, Linux
- Technical documentation
- Bilingual (English, French)
- Zustand Pptics — An adapter fo optics-ts.
- Flua, a monadic iterator composition library for Lua.
- Zknext an application to explore a directory of markdown files in an organized way.
- Timer List: a native timer app, supplemented with a "playlist", i.e. a list of durations.
- writing technical documentation
- assessing technical needs of customers and organisations
- improving communication and knowledge management with appropriate use of IT
- I write poetry!