SPI Bare metal drivers for stm32 f4 family of microcontrollers written in C from scratch .The driver contain apis for the user to send and receive data . The driver has two flavor of apis blocking and Interrupt based (non blocking ) and examples in the Src folder for more reference .
Src : The Src folder contains the main application file ( main.c ) . The user might change the contents of the file if needed . The folder contains example code each example with its own source file .
drivers : folder contains further sub folder Src and Inc .
- Src : Src folder contains driver source (.c) file which has all the driver apis the application file uses
- Inc : Inc folder contains the driver header (.h) file which has all the function prototypes and configuration macros .
All the examples and code have been tested on Stm32f407vgt6 disc1 board if you own a different board from st of F4 family no changes should be made to the code
Check out this video for a video guide on how to use the apis and many other things Stm32 SPI Communication bare metal from scratch