Example http request with retry and interval control
- Java 8
- Maven >=3
- HTTPCOMPONENTS - Fluent API - 4.5.8
- Logback Classic - 1.2.3
- Junit - 4.11
- Wiremock - 2.5.1
- Implement POST method
// Runnable mode without return
Repeater retry = Repeater.builder()
retry.perform(() -> {
throw new RetryOperationException(OPERATION_FAILED_MESSAGE);
// Callable mode with return
Repeater retry = Repeater.builder()
String result = retry.perform(() -> "Hi");
assertEquals("Hi", result);
HttpRequestClientRetry hrcr = HttpRequestClientRetry.builder()
.delay(2000) // 2 seconds
String result = hrcr.get("http://localhost:8089/countries", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.getMimeType());
$ mvn test