I'm glad you are here, looking at my profile and probably thinking: What the hell am I doing here? Well, I don't have an answer for that, but I hope you can find something useful in one of my repos.
My name is Hermenegildo Marin Junior. I'm a brazilian, but currently I live in Setúbal, Portugal, after lived about 2 years in Luxembourg.
I'm a Software Developer, with 12+ years of experience in a very wide set of technologies.
Currently I'm a Software Engineer working along with a outsourcing company, as full stack developer I'm working curretly most with:
- Typescript: creating Node.js lambda functions and orchestring it using Step Functions,
- PHP: working with Drupal 9 and 7, creating API endpoints, building modules and managing applications.
- Javascript: on React front and application
- Jenkins and Terraform: to deploy the lambdas and state machines to AWS
In my free time, I like to be with my family, play table games, travel, discover new Portuguese cities and burn some meat at the barbecues that I do.
- Name: Hermenegildo Marin Junior
- Age: 42++
- Pronouns: He, him
- Living in: Setúbal, Portugal
- Stack: Docker, Kubernetes, Azure, AWS, PHP, Golang, Typescript and many others
- University: Been there, done that - I did a Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism, but I dropped out in the second year 😔
- Web Development Course: Here was my beginning in the world of programming, and my first jobs were like a university, where I gained a lot of knowledge.
Currently I'm learning a bunch of things.
As I'm working with serverless on AWS, I'm learning a lot about that, how to speed up, reduce the costs and best practices.
I'm reading some books like Refactoring(Martin Fowler), the clean coder(Uncle Bob), Staff Engineer(Will Larson).
I take party in some bootcamps about Golang and I'm learning more about.
I'm learning about Web3, here I'm a little lost yet, because there's a lot of things to learn about it.
- I just started the project #100DaysOfCode, where I commited myself to code everyday for at least 1 hour. You can (and should) also join the project!
- I'm also very eager to learn more about PHP, Golang, Typescript, Docker, Kubernetes and public cloud in general, architecture, patterns and best practices in each technology that I use, and more recently about Web3 and all stuff related with.
- I started learning more about programming later, just when I was 29 years old, after having tried many other professions.
- I got my first job as developer in 2010,
- I leard a lot in my first 3 jobs: 📘
- In the first I learnet object oriented programing and basic stac to work with web development; HTML, CSS, Javacript, PHP and MySQl;
- In The second one I learned about deployment and hosting websites;
- In the third job was my University, there I learned about algorithms, OOP, PHP - the right way, design patterns, agile methodologies, Scrum, Domain Driven Design, Clean code, Continous Integration, version control and Git, putting all in practice and being validated by the more experienced developers and they helped me to understand all this complicated thigs;
- In my next jobs I continued to learn, of course, teaching the beginers and always improving myself.
- As a kid/teenager I was very active on sports (basketbal, capoeira, karate, kungful, swiming, biking and few others), but after start the university I stoped with all that.
- Besides my family being very catholic, 15 years ago I decided to become an atheist (I believe in many things and nothing at the same time) ⛪
- I have a dog named Baby, I love all kind of animals. 🐕
- I love to fish. My dad used to take me with him to his farm when I was a kid and teenager, and that was always really cool for me.
- I love watching movies and playing XBOX with my daughter📚
- I like to draw, I've always liked it, and I think that's why I studied Architecture, but I never took it very seriously.
- I really like having a barbecue, drinking a beer, playing the guitar and singing, being with friends. ♨️ 🍻 🎸 🎶
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hmarinjr/ 📄
- Email: hmarinjr@gmail.com ✉️
- Twiter: @hmarinjr 🐳