Uses Model Predictive Control for path planning of a diffrential drive vehicle. Uses IPOPT
Moved to project-TARIV/mpc_lib . Based on project-TARIV/mpc_lib
Project is made to be compiled with catkin for the ROS framework, but does work with just cmake. -
cmake: Build System
Install cppad from your package manager
For Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install cppad
- Installing Ipopt
Currently installs to /usr/local. Editing the script can change that.
For Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install gfortran
sudo apt-get install unzip
wget && unzip && rm
sudo bash ./Ipopt-3.12.7/
We solve an optimisation problem for acceleration in each motor.
A simple kinematic model has been selected
If v_r and v_l are velocities in either frame, and a_r and a_l are the respective constraints.
xi = xi-1 + (v_r + v_l) * dt * cos(thetai-1) / 2 yi = yi-1 + (v_r + v_l) * dt * sin(thetai-1) / 2 thetai = thetai-1 + (v_r - v_l) * dt / distance_between_wheels -
Constraints The path to follow has been defined as a polynomial f(x).
The objective function is of the form \sum{w_i*(a_i)^2}
The different terms (a_i)
v_r + v_l - 2 * vref
v_r - v_l
a_r + a_l
a_r - a_l
f(x) - y
It is easy to expand to this list.
Based on project-TARIV/mpc_lib
Am a member of that organisation.