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Blacklight 5.12.0

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@cbeer cbeer released this 24 Mar 20:41
· 2687 commits to main since this release

Commit History | Milestone

Improvements and Bug fixes

#1157 Update #facet_in_params and #facet_field_in_params? helpers to use the blacklight facet configuration
#1159 Use polymorphic routing for the search session tracking route instead of hard-coding track_solr_document_path
#1157 Add fluent SearchBuilder for start/page/rows parameters
#1152 Provide a blacklight:search_builder generator to generate an application-specific Blacklight::SearchBuilder into the application
#1164 Add Document#fetch to replace deprecated Document#get method
#1162 Add Blacklight::SolrReponse#aggregations to replace #facets, #facet_queries, etc.
#1166 Update Blacklight configuration's dynamic field matching to support an explicit :match option with a regular expression.
#1171 Fix Blacklight bookmarks error with Rails 4.2.1
#1173 Convert "Clear Bookmarks" button to a results collection tool
#1165 Only use backwards-compatible configuration options (e.g. include_in_simple_select) when if or unless options are not used

Upgrade notes

If you were taking advantage of SolrDocument#to_model to convert your Solr responses into other model classes, note that #1159 will use your #to_model object to calculate the route name.

In #1164, a new method #fetch was added to SolrDocument. If you were using a method of the same name (because you mixed Blacklight::SearchHelper into your model, say), you may have unexpected behavior.