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Chris Beer edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 6 revisions

Spotlight uses your application's Blacklight configuration to provide default values for an exhibit. The Blacklight configuration options are documented on the Blacklight wiki.

Discovery experience

Blacklight provides extensive configuration options, available in your application's CatalogController. Spotlight uses the Blacklight configuration to provide the curator with a set of options that can be selected on an exhibit-specific bases.

Blacklight's sort, items per page, and search field configurations are documented on the [Blacklight wiki] (

Metadata Fields

Out-of-the-box, Spotlight is configured to support only the Solr fields required by exhibits (i.e. uploaded fields, exhibit-custom fields, and some spotlight administrative fields). If you want to use Spotlight with data indexed from outside Spotlight, you will need to update your CatalogController results view configuration for index and show fields.

Spotlight will populate the curator's list of available metadata fields using the CatalogController configuration. If the curator has already made configuration choices, these fields will be hidden in the search results view by default, and must be enabled from the Curation > Metadata Fields page.

Facet fields

The default Spotlight configuration only shows "controlled vocabulary" metadata fields and Spotlight administrative facets (e.g. tags and visibility). To add additional facets or change the facet behavior, you should update your CatalogController configuration to add the appropriate facet fields.