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Versatile error handling for every scenario.

Contingency is an experimental library for abstracting over error handling strategies. In particular, it gives developers a choice between throwing exceptions, returning errors in a variety of datatypes, and accumulating several validation-style errors. Code must be written to accomodate Contingency's generic error handling, but the changes from exception-throwing code are trivial.


  • error are checked as capabilities
  • choose global and localized strategies for error-handling
  • fully-typesafe error handling
  • selectively ignore errors considered "impossible"
  • aggregate multiple errors, like a validation
  • recover from specific errors with success values
  • mitigate specific errors into more general errors


Contingency has not yet been published. The medium-term plan is to build it with Fury and to publish it as a source build on Vent. This will enable ordinary users to write and build software which depends on Contingency.

Subsequently, Contingency will also be made available as a binary in the Maven Central repository. This will enable users of other build tools to use it.

For the overeager, curious and impatient, see building.

Getting Started

All Contingency terms and types are defined in the contingency package:

syntax  scala
import contingency.*

and are exported to soundness. So alternatively,

syntax  scala
import soundness.*

Contingency provides a number of different strategies and tactics for handling errors in Scala, for libraries which opt into its advanced capabilities.

Contingency's approach builds upon the new boundary/break infrastructure in Scala 3 to provide comprehensive errors-handling functionality which is:

  • composable: write in a direct-style, and compose expressions seamlessly
  • typesafe: error handling is statically checked
  • performant: avoid costly construction of stack traces
  • versatile: choose different tactics for different circumstances, or global strategies


Here is a quick tour of how error handling in Scala can be versatile, composable, typesafe and performant with Contingency.

Let's start by declaring a partial method with a raises clause in its return type, and abort under certain conditions:

syntax  scala
  replace   Bytes  Bytes raises AsciiError
def convert(message: Text): Bytes =
  if message.exists(_.toInt > 127) then abort(AsciiError())

We cannot call that method unless its AsciiError is handled in some way. This code will not compile:

syntax  scala
val data = convert(t"Hello world")

One solution is to import a strategy to handle any possible errors by throwing them. This works well for code that is still at the "prototype" stage of development:

syntax  scala
import strategies.throwUnsafely
val data = convert(t"Hello world")

But we can get the same effect more locally by wrapping the invocation in unsafely,

syntax  scala
val data: Bytes = unsafely(convert(t"Hello world"))

or safely,

syntax  scala
val data: Optional[Bytes] = safely(convert(t"Hello world"))

which will return the optional Unset value in the event of an error—the error object itself will be discarded, though.

In some circumstances, we might decide that it is acceptable to throw an AsciiError (without saying anything about other error types), and we can do so by by declaring an Unchecked instance for it, like so:

syntax  scala
erased given AsciiError is Unchecked

(This is only a "marker" typeclass, so it can be erased.)

We could go further and declare AsciiErrors as "fatal", shutting down the entire JVM upon the first occurrence,

syntax  scala
given AsciiError is Fatal = _ => ExitStatus.Fail(1)
val data: Bytes = convert(t"Hello world")

though this might be more typical for errors that are raised during initialization.

Now imagine we want to combine three methods, Json.parse, Json#as and convert, with signatures,

syntax  scala
object Json:
  def parse(text: Text): Json raises ParseError

class Json():
  def as[ResultType]: ResultType raises AccessError

// implementation details not shown

in a single method, processEvent. We would be required to handle ParseErrors, AccessErrors and AsciiErrors. We could write,

syntax  scala
def processEvent(event: Text)
        : Bytes raises ParseError raises AccessError raises AsciiError =

but multiple raises clauses are cumbersome: not only does the method need to declare each error type, any method which invokes it must also handle all of these errors.

Instead, we can tend them into an EventError:

syntax  scala
def eventData(event: Text): Bytes raises EventError =
    case ParseError()  => EventError()
    case AccessError() => EventError()
    case AsciiError()  => EventError()

This has the effect that any exception matching one of the tend cases will be transformed into the right-hand side of the case—in this case, a new EventError.

This may be more typical for production code. But note how the main expression, sendAscii(Json.parse(event).as[Event].message), remains the same as it would if we had used the throwUnsafely strategy. This is the beauty of direct-style Scala: the "happy path" can be written with the same elegance, concision and aesthetics, even after enhancing the safety of the code.

Using alternative definitions of ParseError, AccessError, AsciiError and EventErrors as immutable datatypes with parameters, we could channel details from one type to the other, like so:

syntax  scala
def processEvent(event: Text): Unit raises EventError =
    case ParseError(line) => EventError(m"invalid JSON at line $line")
    case AccessError(key) => EventError(m"key $key was missing")
    case AsciiError()     => EventError(m"the message contained invalid ASCII")

In this example, every error on the right-hand side has the same type, and while that is a common use-case, it's not a requirement. The only constraint is that the type of each right-hand side case is (independent of the other cases) an Exception type that has a handler. In this example, the raises EventError in the return type ensures that handler.

Sometimes, however, in the event of certain errors, we want to return a value—some sort of "fallback" value—instead of continuing along an error-recovery path. For this, we can use mend instead of tend, and the right-hand side of each case will represent the return value:

syntax  scala
def processEvent(event: Text): Unit raises EventError = send:
    case ParseError(_)  => Bytes(0, 1)
    case AccessError(_) => Bytes(0, 2)
    case AsciiError(_)  => Bytes(0, 3)

Here, we mend the subexpression convert(Json.parse(event).as[Event].message) and produce a two-byte message (such as Bytes(0, 1), which could be a representation of the failure). Either this, or the successful evaluation of the subexpression will be passed to the send method.

Core concepts

A partial method is a method which may not produce a result for certain inputs, i.e. it is not total. Partial methods are already familiar in Scala (and Java), but the way they handle the absence of a result is to throw a traditional exception, determined directly or indirectly by the code in the method's implementation.

Note that Functional Programming requires all functions to be total. (If they are not, then they're not even considered functions.) Partiality can be encoded in this strict definition of a function in a variety of ways, but invariably they return, in their total encoding, values representing the absence of a return value in their unencoded partial form.

Without exceptions, if it's not possible to return a successful value from a method, we need to "abort" execution somehow, or return a "non-value". Here's a trivial example of a method where that's necessary,

syntax  scala
def second[ElementType](list: List[ElementType]): ElementType =
  if list.length >= 2 then list(1) else ???

where ??? indicates the code we are unable to implement.

Contingency provides the abort method for indicating a failure, which can be thought of as similar to the throw keyword: it "escapes" from the current method with an error, instead of returning a value.

In the implementation above, we can replace ??? with abort(TooShort(2)), assuming a TooShort exception type such as:

syntax  scala
case class TooShort(minimum: Int)
extends Exception(s"A minimum length of $minimum is required")

Note that the error type must be a subtype of Exception because some strategies may need to throw it.

However, we can only call abort with an error if we have a Tactic in scope for its error type. In this case, we must have a contextual Tactic[TooShort] available.

One way to provide it is to change the method signature to require it, like so,

syntax  scala
def second[ElementType](list: List[ElementType])
    (using Tactic[TooShort])
        : ElementType =
  if list.length >= 2 then list(1)
  else abort(TooShortError(2))

which may be more easily expressed using the infix raises type:

syntax  scala
def second[ElementType](list: List[ElementType])
        : ElementType raises TooShortError =
  if list.length >= 2 then list(1)
  else abort(TooShortError(2))

The infix raises type is just a syntactic alias. The type ElementType raises TooShortError is equivalent to the context function type, Tactic[TooShortError] ?=> ElementType, which is equivalent to specifying the using Tactic[TooShortError] parameter.

In practice, though, we can usually just append raises ErrorType to the return type. This just defers the problem, though; calling any method declared, raises ErrorType, needs an ErrorType in-scope at the callsite. We can continue adding more raises ErrorType declarations, but at some point it is necessary to handle the error, which requires an instance of Tactic[ErrorType].

It is the Tactic instance which determines exactly how the error is handled: whether it is thrown, logged, aggregated, or something else. And by passing it in as a parameter to the method, we are delegating the handling choice back up to the methods that called it.

In other words, we have just implemented the method for all error-handling strategies.

Non-terminal Errors

In all cases, abort will stop execution and pass control up the stack to the point where the error is handled. (Safely-checked exceptions ensure that there must be such a place.) But sometimes, we want to accommodate the possibility that, even though failure is inevitable, execution may continue for a while, with one purpose in mind: to accrue additional errors.

A typical use-case is validating a form containing several fields. Any one of the values provided for the field may yield an error, but if the form contains several errors, we would like to see all of them together; not just the first.

This becomes possible with certain implementations of Tactic, but it requires cooperation from the implementation. That is provided through an alternative to abort, called raise.

When we call abort, it allows us to "exit" a method without returning a value. It is the absence of any value to return which requires this, and this is reflected in abort's return type: Nothing. But raise does return a value—an ersatz or substitute value—which can let execution continue (using that value) locally, while registering the error and asserting that an error will be produced, a little later.

As execution continues, additional raise invocations may be encountered, corresponding to more errors. Each of these will be registered by the Tactic, and execution may complete all the way to return a final result for at the point where the errors are handled. But having registered at least one error during execution, that final result will be considered invalid and is discarded. And instead, a new error corresponding to the aggregation of each recorded error will be produced.

So, by proceeding with execution within the bounds of error checking, it becomes possible to accrue several "trivial" errors before they manifest into an error that requires handling.

But this only works under certain conditions. When we provide an ersatz value in place of an error, that value must be inconsequential. That means there should not be additional code which depends upon its value. We are somewhat protected from consequentiality by the knowledge that a single raised error cannot affect the end result, because that value is guaranteed to be discarded. But this guarantee does not apply to side-effects, including additional errors which may be raised as a consequence of the ersatz value. Ideally, ersatz values should be innocuous and independent.


One advantage of using Scala's boundary and break infrastructure instead of throwing exceptions is that the costly construction of a stack trace can be avoided (optionally), and construction of an error is no more expensive than any other immutable datatype.


Each error must be handled by a Tactic, which will typically be constrained to a limited scope—often the within block of a mend or tend, or a safely or unsafely block. They are tactics in the sense that they apply within a limited scope.

Tactics contrast with a strategy, whose implied scope is wider or global. In terms of implementation, they are no different: instances of Tactic. But we can informally call them strategies when used globally. For example, the throwUnsafely strategy which provides a universal Tactic instance that just throws any error that's raised.

Other strategies might be Fatal instances defined in package-level scope, for example,

syntax  scala
package app

given InitError is Fatal = error =>"Error during initialization: $error")

which specifies that any InitError should cause the JVM to exit, after logging the error.


Contingency is classified as embryotic. For reference, Soundness projects are categorized into one of the following five stability levels:

  • embryonic: for experimental or demonstrative purposes only, without any guarantees of longevity
  • fledgling: of proven utility, seeking contributions, but liable to significant redesigns
  • maturescent: major design decisions broady settled, seeking probatory adoption and refinement
  • dependable: production-ready, subject to controlled ongoing maintenance and enhancement; tagged as version 1.0.0 or later
  • adamantine: proven, reliable and production-ready, with no further breaking changes ever anticipated

Projects at any stability level, even embryonic projects, can still be used, as long as caution is taken to avoid a mismatch between the project's stability level and the required stability and maintainability of your own project.

Contingency is designed to be small. Its entire source code currently consists of 753 lines of code.


Contingency will ultimately be built by Fury, when it is published. In the meantime, two possibilities are offered, however they are acknowledged to be fragile, inadequately tested, and unsuitable for anything more than experimentation. They are provided only for the necessity of providing some answer to the question, "how can I try Contingency?".

  1. Copy the sources into your own project

    Read the fury file in the repository root to understand Contingency's build structure, dependencies and source location; the file format should be short and quite intuitive. Copy the sources into a source directory in your own project, then repeat (recursively) for each of the dependencies.

    The sources are compiled against the latest nightly release of Scala 3. There should be no problem to compile the project together with all of its dependencies in a single compilation.

  2. Build with Wrath

    Wrath is a bootstrapping script for building Contingency and other projects in the absence of a fully-featured build tool. It is designed to read the fury file in the project directory, and produce a collection of JAR files which can be added to a classpath, by compiling the project and all of its dependencies, including the Scala compiler itself.

    Download the latest version of wrath, make it executable, and add it to your path, for example by copying it to /usr/local/bin/.

    Clone this repository inside an empty directory, so that the build can safely make clones of repositories it depends on as peers of contingency. Run wrath -F in the repository root. This will download and compile the latest version of Scala, as well as all of Contingency's dependencies.

    If the build was successful, the compiled JAR files can be found in the .wrath/dist directory.


Contributors to Contingency are welcome and encouraged. New contributors may like to look for issues marked beginner.

We suggest that all contributors read the Contributing Guide to make the process of contributing to Contingency easier.

Please do not contact project maintainers privately with questions unless there is a good reason to keep them private. While it can be tempting to repsond to such questions, private answers cannot be shared with a wider audience, and it can result in duplication of effort.


Contingency was designed and developed by Jon Pretty, and commercial support and training on all aspects of Scala 3 is available from Propensive OÜ.


Contingency (the library) provides various forms of mitagation and contingency in the event that an exception occurs at runtime.

In general, Soundness project names are always chosen with some rationale, however it is usually frivolous. Each name is chosen for more for its uniqueness and intrigue than its concision or catchiness, and there is no bias towards names with positive or "nice" meanings—since many of the libraries perform some quite unpleasant tasks.

Names should be English words, though many are obscure or archaic, and it should be noted how willingly English adopts foreign words. Names are generally of Greek or Latin origin, and have often arrived in English via a romance language.


The logo shows three tickets, each of which has been validated.


Contingency is copyright © 2024 Jon Pretty & Propensive OÜ, and is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.