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Reflection is an api for querying [typescript] source at runtime, with module loading. Instead of defining apis and also needing to expose functions for registering implementations of those apis, you can use the SourceRepositoy to query for api implementations at runtime. This can result in much cleaner dependency management across packages.

An example use case for this is exposing a Route interface from your server, and then loading all routes included in your build from your server using the SourceRepositoy api. Instead of your server package needing to depend on every package where a route is defined (or having a complicated build process for loading routes into static memory), as long as the package with classes implementing Route is included in the build, your server will have access to query and instantiate those routes using the SourceRepository api.

Production example

See the Protein Js implementation of a Service.

How to use

  1. Install @proteinjs/reflection as a package dependency, and @proteinjs/reflection-build as a dev dependency
  2. Prepend your package build script with reflection-build, ie. reflection-build && tsc
  3. When you build your package, ./generated/index.ts will be generated, and the package.json will be updated to point main at dist/generated/index.js
  4. You can now do the following in your project

Package: @your-org/server-api

// Route.ts
import { Loadable, SourceRepository } from '@proteinjs/reflection'

export const getRoutes = () => SourceRepository.get().objects<Route>('@your-org/server-api/Route');

// Extending Loadable causes @proteinjs/reflection-build to load
// this type hierarchy into the SourceRepository at build time
export interface Route extends Loadable {
  path: string;
  method: string;
  run(args: any[]): Promise<any>;

Package: @your-org/auth

// Login.ts
import { Route } from '@your-org/server-api'

export class Login implements Route {
  path = '/login';
  method = 'post';
  async run(args: any[]) { ... }
// Logout.ts
import { Route } from '@your-org/server-api'

export class Logout implements Route {
  path = '/logout';
  method = 'get';
  async run(args: any[]) { ... }

Package: @your-org/server

// loadRoutes.ts
import { getRoutes } from '@your-org/server-api'

// There is no order guarantee
const routes = getRoutes();
routes[0].path // /login
routes[1].path // /logout