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Releases: protocolbuffers/protobuf

Protocol Buffers v3.8.0

28 May 23:00
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  • Use std::atomic in case of myriad2 platform
  • Always declare enums to be int-sized
  • Added DebugString() and ShortDebugString() methods on MessageLite
  • Specialized different parse loop control flows
  • Make hasbits potentially in register. The or's start forming an obstacle because it's a read modify store on the same mem address on each iteration.
  • Move to an internal MACRO for parser validity checks.
  • Improve map parsing performance.
  • Make MergePartialFromCodedStream non virtual. This allows direct calls, potential inlining and is also a code health improvement
  • Add an overall limit to parse_context to prevent reading past it. This allows to remove a annoying level of indirection.
  • Fix a mistake, we shouldn't verify map key/value strings for utf8 in opt mode for proto2.
  • Further improvements to cut binary size.
  • Prepare to make MergePartialFromCodedStream non-virtual.
  • A report on some interesting behavior change in python (caused by b/27494216) made me realize there is a check that needs to be done in case the parse ended on a end group tag.
  • Add a note of caution to the comments around skip in CodedOutputStream.
  • Simplify end check.
  • Add overload for ParseMessage for MessageLite/Message types. If the explicit type is not known inlining won't help de-virtualizing the virtual call.
  • Reduce linker input. It turns out that ParseMessage is not inlined, producing template instantiations that are used only once and save nothing but cost more.
  • Improve the parser.
  • [c++17] Changed proto2::RepeatedPtrField iterators to no longer derive from the deprecated std::iterator class.
  • Change the default value of case_insensitive_enum_parsing to false for JsonStringToMessage.
  • Add a warning if a field name doesn't match the style guide.
  • Fix TextFormat not round-trip correctly when float value is max float.
  • Added locationed info for some errors at compiler
  • Python reserved keywords are now working with getattr()/setattr() for most descriptors.
  • Added AllowUnknownField() in text_format
  • Append '_' to C++ reserved keywords for message, enum, extension
  • Fix MSVC warning C4244 in protobuf's parse_context.h.
  • Updating Iterators to be compatible with C++17 in MSVC.
  • Use capability annotation in mutex.h
  • Fix "UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: cfi-bad-type"
  • CriticalSectionLock class as a lightweight replacement for std::mutex on Windows platforms.
  • Removed vestigial wire_format_lite_inl.h


  • Added System.Memory dependency.


  • Make Java protoc code generator ignore optimize_for LITE_RUNTIME. Users should instead use the Java lite protoc plugin.
  • Change Extension getMessageDefaultInstance() to return Message instead of MessageLite.
  • Prevent malicious input streams from leaking buffers for ByteString or ByteBuffer parsing.
  • Release new Javalite runtime.
  • Show warning in case potential file name conflict.
  • Allow Java reserved keywords to be used in extensions.
  • Added setAllowUnknownFields() in text format
  • Add memoization to ExtensionRegistryLite.getEmptyRegistry()
  • Improve performance of CodedOutputStream.writeUInt32NoTag
  • Add an optimized mismatch-finding algorithm to UnsafeUtil.
  • When serializing uint32 varints, check that we have MAX_VARINT32_SIZE bytes left, not just MAX_VARINT_SIZE.
  • Minor optimization to RopeByteString.PieceIterator


  • Simplify generated toObject code when the default value is used.


  • Changes implementation of Name() for enums that allow aliases in proto2 in Python to be in line with claims in C++ implementation (to return first value).
  • Added double_format option in text format printer.
  • Added iter and contains to extension dict
  • Added allow_unknown_field option in python text format parser
  • Fixed Timestamp.ToDatetime() loses precision issue
  • Support unknown field in text format printer.
  • Float field will be convert to inf if bigger than struct.unpack('f', b'\xff\xff\x7f\x7f')[0] which is about 3.4028234664e+38,
    convert to -inf if smaller than -3.4028234664e+38
  • Allowed casting str->bytes in Message.setstate


  • Helper methods to get enum name for Ruby.

Protocol Buffers v3.8.0-rc1

01 May 17:24
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  • Use std::atomic in case of myriad2 platform
  • Always declare enums to be int-sized
  • Added DebugString() and ShortDebugString() methods on MessageLite
  • Specialized different parse loop control flows
  • Make hasbits potentially in register. The or's start forming an obstacle because it's a read modify store on the same mem address on each iteration.
  • Move to an internal MACRO for parser validity checks.
  • Improve map parsing performance.
  • Make MergePartialFromCodedStream non virtual. This allows direct calls, potential inlining and is also a code health improvement
  • Add an overall limit to parse_context to prevent reading past it. This allows to remove a annoying level of indirection.
  • Fix a mistake, we shouldn't verify map key/value strings for utf8 in opt mode for proto2.
  • Further improvements to cut binary size.
  • Prepare to make MergePartialFromCodedStream non-virtual.
  • A report on some interesting behavior change in python (caused by b/27494216) made me realize there is a check that needs to be done in case the parse ended on a end group tag.
  • Add a note of caution to the comments around skip in CodedOutputStream.
  • Simplify end check.
  • Add overload for ParseMessage for MessageLite/Message types. If the explicit type is not known inlining won't help de-virtualizing the virtual call.
  • Reduce linker input. It turns out that ParseMessage is not inlined, producing template instantiations that are used only once and save nothing but cost more.
  • Improve the parser.
  • [c++17] Changed proto2::RepeatedPtrField iterators to no longer derive from the deprecated std::iterator class.
  • Change the default value of case_insensitive_enum_parsing to false for JsonStringToMessage.
  • Add a warning if a field name doesn't match the style guide.
  • Fix TextFormat not round-trip correctly when float value is max float.
  • Added locationed info for some errors at compiler
  • Python reserved keywords are now working with getattr()/setattr() for most descriptors.
  • Added AllowUnknownField() in text_format
  • Append '_' to C++ reserved keywords for message, enum, extension
  • Fix MSVC warning C4244 in protobuf's parse_context.h.
  • Updating Iterators to be compatible with C++17 in MSVC.
  • Use capability annotation in mutex.h
  • Fix "UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: cfi-bad-type"
  • CriticalSectionLock class as a lightweight replacement for std::mutex on Windows platforms.
  • Removed vestigial wire_format_lite_inl.h


  • Added System.Memory dependency.


  • Make Java protoc code generator ignore optimize_for LITE_RUNTIME. Users should instead use the Java lite protoc plugin.
  • Change Extension getMessageDefaultInstance() to return Message instead of MessageLite.
  • Prevent malicious input streams from leaking buffers for ByteString or ByteBuffer parsing.
  • Release new Javalite runtime.
  • Show warning in case potential file name conflict.
  • Allow Java reserved keywords to be used in extensions.
  • Added setAllowUnknownFields() in text format
  • Add memoization to ExtensionRegistryLite.getEmptyRegistry()
  • Improve performance of CodedOutputStream.writeUInt32NoTag
  • Add an optimized mismatch-finding algorithm to UnsafeUtil.
  • When serializing uint32 varints, check that we have MAX_VARINT32_SIZE bytes left, not just MAX_VARINT_SIZE.
  • Minor optimization to RopeByteString.PieceIterator


  • Simplify generated toObject code when the default value is used.


  • Changes implementation of Name() for enums that allow aliases in proto2 in Python to be in line with claims in C++ implementation (to return first value).
  • Added double_format option in text format printer.
  • Added iter and contains to extension dict
  • Added allow_unknown_field option in python text format parser
  • Fixed Timestamp.ToDatetime() loses precision issue
  • Support unknown field in text format printer.
  • Float field will be convert to inf if bigger than struct.unpack('f', b'\xff\xff\x7f\x7f')[0] which is about 3.4028234664e+38,
    convert to -inf if smaller than -3.4028234664e+38
  • Allowed casting str->bytes in Message.setstate


  • Helper methods to get enum name for Ruby.

Protocol Buffers v3.7.1

26 Mar 16:40
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  • Avoid linking against libatomic in prebuilt protoc binaries (#5875)
  • Avoid marking generated C++ messages as final, though we will do this in a future release (#5928)
  • Miscellaneous build fixes


  • Fixed redefinition of global variable f (#5932)


  • Replace strptime with custom implementation (#5906)
  • Fixed the bug that bytes fields cannot be larger than 16000 bytes (#5924)
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes


  • Replace strptime with custom implementation (#5906)
  • Fixed the bug that bytes fields cannot be larger than 16000 bytes (#5924)

Protocol Buffers v3.7.0

28 Feb 21:33
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  • Introduced new MOMI (maybe-outside-memory-interval) parser.
  • Add an option to json_util to parse enum as case-insensitive. In the future, enum parsing in json_util will become case-sensitive.
  • Added conformance test for enum aliases
  • Added support for --cpp_out=speed:...
  • Added use of C++ override keyword where appropriate
  • Many other cleanups and fixes.


  • Fix illegal reflective access warning in JDK 9+
  • Add BOM


  • Added Python 3.7 compatibility.
  • Modified ParseFromString to return bytes parsed .
  • Introduce Proto C API.
  • FindFileContainingSymbol in descriptor pool is now able to find field and enum values.
  • reflection.MakeClass() and reflection.ParseMessage() are deprecated.
  • Added DescriptorPool.FindMethodByName() method in pure python (c extension alreay has it)
  • Flipped proto3 to preserve unknown fields by default.
  • Added support for memoryview in python3 proto message parsing.
  • Added MergeFrom for repeated scalar fields in c extension (pure python already has it)
  • Surrogates are now rejected at setters in python3.
  • Added public unknown field API.
  • RecursionLimit is also set to max if allow_oversize_protos is enabled.
  • Disallow duplicate scalars in proto3 text_format parse.
  • Fix some segment faults for c extension map field.


  • Most issues for json encoding/decoding in the c extension have been fixed. There are still some edge cases not fixed. For more details, check conformance/failure_list_php_c.txt.
  • Supports php 7.3
  • Added helper methods to convert between enum values and names.
  • Allow setting/getting wrapper message fields using primitive values.
  • Various bug fixes.


  • Ruby 2.6 support.
  • Drops support for ruby < 2.3.
  • Most issues for json encoding/decoding in the c extension have been fixed. There are still some edge cases not fixed. For more details, check conformance/failure_list_ruby.txt.
  • Json parsing can specify an option to ignore unknown fields: msg.decode_json(data, {ignore_unknown_fields: true}).
  • Added support for proto2 syntax (partially).
  • Various bug fixes.


  • More support for FieldMask include merge, intersect and more.
  • Increasing the default recursion limit to 100.
  • Support loading FileDescriptors dynamically.
  • Provide access to comments from descriptors.
  • Added Any.Is method.
  • Compatible with C# 6
  • Added IComparable and comparison operators on Timestamp.


  • Add ability to introspect list of enum values (#4678)
  • Copy the value when setting message/data fields (#5215)
  • Support suppressing the objc package prefix checks on a list of files (#5309)
  • More complete keyword and NSObject method (via categories) checks for field names, can result in more fields being rename, but avoids the collisions at runtime (#5289)
  • Small fixes to TextFormat generation for extensions (#5362)
  • Provide more details/context in deprecation messages (#5412)
  • Array/Dictionary enumeration blocks NS_NOESCAPE annotation for Swift (#5421)
  • Properly annotate extensions for ARC when their names imply behaviors (#5427)
  • Enum alias name collision improvements (#5480)

Protocol Buffers v3.7.0-rc.3

22 Feb 23:11
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Merge pull request #5766 from TeBoring/3.7.x-fix

Update version number to 3.7.0rc3

Protocol Buffers v3.7.0rc2

01 Feb 20:04
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Fixed infinite recursion problem with Java GeneratedMessageV3 (#5657)

GeneratedMessageV3#setUnknownFieldsProto3 was trying to delegate to
setUnknownFields but was inadvertently resulting in infinite recursion.
This commit makes setUnknownFields and setUnknownFieldsProto3 delegate
to a common private method to fix the problem and avoid confusion.

Protocol Buffers v3.7.0rc1

30 Jan 19:48
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Merge pull request #5644 from TeBoring/fix-4765

Convert integer to string if field is string field in json

Protocol Buffers v3.6.1

31 Jul 19:02
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  • Introduced workaround for Windows issue with std::atomic and std::once_flag initialization (#4777, #4773)


  • Added compatibility with PHP 7.3 (#4898)


  • Fixed Ruby crash involving Any encoding (#4718)

Protocol Buffers v3.6.0

19 Jun 17:57
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  • Starting from this release, we now require C++11. For those we cannot yet upgrade to C++11, we will try to keep the 3.5.x branch updated with critical bug fixes only. If you have any concerns about this, please comment on issue #2780.
  • Moved to C++11 types like std::atomic and std::unique_ptr and away from our old custom-built equivalents.
  • Added support for repeated message fields in lite protos using implicit weak fields. This is an experimental feature that allows the linker to strip out more unused messages than previously was possible.
  • Fixed SourceCodeInfo for interpreted options and extension range options.
  • Fixed always_print_enums_as_ints option for JSON serialization.
  • Added support for ignoring unknown enum values when parsing JSON.
  • Create std::string in Arena memory.
  • Fixed ValidateDateTime to correctly check the day.
  • Fixed bug in ZeroCopyStreamByteSink.
  • Various other cleanups and fixes.


  • Dropped support for Java 6.
  • Added a UTF-8 decoder that uses Unsafe to directly decode a byte buffer.
  • Added deprecation annotations to generated code for deprecated oneof fields.
  • Fixed map field serialization in DynamicMessage.
  • Cleanup and documentation for Java Lite runtime.
  • Various other fixes and cleanups
  • Fixed unboxed arraylists to handle an edge case
  • Improved performance for copying between unboxed arraylists
  • Fixed lite protobuf to avoid Java compiler warnings
  • Improved test coverage for lite runtime
  • Performance improvements for lite runtime


  • Fixed bytes/string map key incompatibility between C++ and pure-Python implementations (issue #4029)
  • Added files to compiler and util subpackages
  • Use /MT for all Windows versions
  • Fixed an issue affecting the Python-C++ implementation when used with Cython (issue #2896)
  • Various text format fixes
  • Various fixes to resolve behavior differences between the pure-Python and Python-C++ implementations


  • Added php_metadata_namespace to control the file path of generated metadata file.
  • Changed generated classes of nested message/enum. E.g., Foo.Bar, which previously generates Foo_Bar, now generates Foo/Bar
  • Added array constructor. When creating a message, users can pass a php array whose content is field name to value pairs into constructor. The created message will be initialized according to the array. Note that message field should use a message value instead of a sub-array.
  • Various bug fixes.


  • We removed some helper class methods from GPBDictionary to shrink the size of the library, the functionary is still there, but you may need to do some specific +alloc / -init… methods instead.
  • Minor improvements in the performance of object field getters/setters by avoiding some memory management overhead.
  • Fix a memory leak during the raising of some errors.
  • Make header importing completely order independent.
  • Small code improvements for things the undefined behaviors compiler option was flagging.


  • Added ruby_package file option to control the module of generated class.
  • Various bug fixes.


  • Allow setting string to int64 field.


  • Unknown fields are now parsed and then sent back on the wire. They can be discarded at parse time via a CodedInputStream option.
  • Movement towards working with .NET 3.5 and Unity
  • Expression trees are no longer used
  • AOT generics issues in Unity/il2cpp have a workaround (see commit 1b219a1 for details)
  • Floating point values are now compared bitwise (affects NaN value comparisons)
  • The default size limit when parsing is now 2GB rather than 64MB
  • MessageParser now supports parsing from a slice of a byte array
  • JSON list parsing now accepts null values where the underlying proto representation does

Protocol Buffers v3.5.1

20 Dec 23:16
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Planned Future Changes

  • Make C++ implementation C++11 only: we plan to require C++11 to build protobuf code starting from 3.6.0 release, after unknown fields semantic changes are finished. Please join this github issue to provide your feedback.


  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.5.0 and protoc in Windows now accepts non-ascii characters in paths again.


  • Removed several usages of C++11 features in the code base.
  • Fixed some compiler warnings.


  • Fixed memory leak in C-extension implementation.
  • Added discardUnknokwnFields API.
  • Removed duplicatd typedef in C-extension headers.
  • Avoided calling private php methods (timelib_update_ts).
  • Fixed Any.php to use fully-qualified name for DescriptorPool.


  • Added Google_Protobuf_discard_unknown for discarding unknown fields in


  • Unknown fields are now preserved by default.
  • Floating point values are now bitwise compared, affecting message equality check and Contains() API in map and repeated fields.